1. avoidant [əˈvɔɪd(ə)nt]近义词:evading, shunning
反义词:confrontational, assertive
词汇扩充:avoidable, avoidableness, avoidably
1. avoidance [əˈvɔɪd(ə)ns]近义词:avoidance behavior, avoidance response
反义词:approach, confrontation
词汇扩充:avoidancer, avoidantism
avoidance [əˈvɔɪd(ə)ns]名词
1. the act of avoiding someone or something
2. the act of keeping away from a particular thing or situation
3. the act of preventing something from happening or of not doing something
形容词:avoidant (əˈvɔɪd(ə)nt)
近义词:shunning, evasion, elusion, escape
反义词:confrontation, approach, encounter
avoidance [əˈvɔɪd(ə)ns]名词
1. the action of keeping away from or not doing something
2. the action of avoiding someone or something
3. the action of preventing something from happening
近义词:shunning, evasion, elusion, escape
反义词:confrontation, approach, encounter
- I always try to be avoidant when it comes to conflicts.(当涉及到冲突时,我总是尽力回避。)
- His avoidant behavior made it difficult for us to communicate effectively.(他回避的行为使我们难以有效沟通。)
- The avoidable mistakes led to a loss of trust.(可避免的错误导致了信任的丧失。)
- She is known for her avoidant attitude towards risky situations.(她因对风险情况的回避态度而闻名。)
- His avoidant personality disorder makes it hard for him to form close relationships.(他回避型人格障碍使他难以建立亲密关系。)
- She exhibited avoidant behavior by leaving the room whenever the topic was brought up.(每当谈到这个话题时,她都会离开房间,表现出回避行为。)
- He had a pattern of avoidance when it came to facing his fears.(当面对恐惧时,他有一种回避的模式。)
- The avoidance of conflict can sometimes lead to unresolved issues.(回避冲突有时可能导致悬而未决的问题。)
- We need to find a way to address this issue without avoidance.(我们需要找到一种不回避的方式来解决这个问题。)
- Her avoidance of responsibility caused tension in the team.(她对责任的回避在团队中引起了紧张气氛。)
- He was praised for his avoidance of unnecessary risks.(他因回避不必要的风险而受到赞扬。)
- The avoidance of eye contact can be a sign of discomfort or dishonesty.(回避眼神接触可能是不舒服或不诚实的迹象。)
- She used avoidance as a coping mechanism to deal with her anxiety.(她用回避作为一种应对机制来处理她的焦虑。)
- His avoidance of public speaking hindered his career advancement.(他对公众演讲的回避阻碍了他的职业发展。)
- They implemented an avoidance strategy to minimize potential risks.(他们实施了一项回避策略,以降低潜在风险。)
- The avoidance of conflict may lead to missed opportunities for growth and understanding.(回避冲突可能会导致错过成长和理解的机会。)
- Parents should encourage their children to develop problem-solving skills instead of avoidance.(父母应该鼓励孩子们培养解决问题的能力,而不是回避。)
- His avoidance of the topic only fueled speculation and rumors.(他对这个话题的回避只加剧了猜测和谣言。)
- The therapist helped her overcome her avoidance and confront her fears.(治疗师帮助她克服回避,并面对她的恐惧。)
- Through avoidance, he managed to stay out of trouble.(通过回避,他设法避免了麻烦。)
- She adopted a strategy of avoidance to protect herself from emotional pain.(她采用了回避的策略来保护自己免受情感上的伤害。)