形容词- electromotive force 电动势的
- electromotive force 电动势
- electromagnetic field 电磁场
emf和electromotive force都表示电动势,是同义词。
electromotive force
no antonyms available
emf (noun):
1. the voltage induced in a circuit or electromagnetic wave by a changing magnetic flux
2. another name for electromotive force
emf (noun):
1. an electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts
2. electromagnetic force or field
1. The emf generated by the battery powers the electronic device.
2. The emf of this circuit is too high for the components to handle.
- The emf generated by the battery powers the electronic device. 电池产生的电动势为电子设备供电。
- The emf of this circuit is too high for the components to handle. 这个电路的电动势对于元件来说太高了。
- The emf induced in the coil can be measured using a voltmeter. 通过伏特表可以测量线圈中感应出的电动势。
- The emf of the power supply is crucial for the proper functioning of the device. 电源的电动势对设备的正常运行至关重要。
- Scientists are studying the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on human health. 科学家正在研究电磁场对人体健康的影响。
- The worker was exposed to high levels of EMFs in the factory. 工人在工厂中暴露在高强度的电磁场中。
- It is important to minimize exposure to EMFs from electronic devices. 减少接触电子设备产生的电磁场是很重要的。
- The EMF produced by the power lines can interfere with radio signals. 电力线产生的电磁场会干扰无线电信号。
- The device is designed to block harmful EMFs emitted by cell phones. 这个设备旨在屏蔽手机发出的有害电磁场。
- There is ongoing research on the potential health risks associated with EMFs. 目前正在进行与电磁场相关的潜在健康风险的研究。
- Many people are concerned about the potential harm caused by EMFs. 很多人担心电磁场可能造成的伤害。
- She measured the EMF of the circuit using a specialized instrument. 她用专用仪器测量了电路的电动势。
- The EMF generated by the power source was not sufficient to operate the machinery. 电源产生的电动势不足以使机器运转。
- The EMF of the battery gradually decreased as it drained. 电池的电动势随着放电逐渐减小。
- He conducted experiments to determine the relationship between current and EMF. 他进行实验来确定电流和电动势之间的关系。
- The EMF induced in the coil was found to be inversely proportional to the number of turns. 发现线圈感应出的电动势与匝数成反比。
- Insulating materials are used to reduce the impact of EMFs on sensitive equipment. 绝缘材料用于减少对敏感设备的电磁场影响。
- The EMF meter measures the strength of electromagnetic fields. 电磁场仪器测量电磁场的强度。
- Excessive exposure to EMFs can have negative effects on human health. 过度接触电磁场对人体健康有不良影响。
- The EMF emitted by the power lines can interfere with electronic devices. 电力线发出的电磁场会干扰电子设备。
- Proper shielding can reduce the EMF levels in sensitive areas. 适当的屏蔽可以降低敏感区域的电磁场水平。