thermal power
1. 名词
(1) 热能;热量
(2) 热能发电
(3) 热电厂;火力发电厂
2. 形容词
(1) 热能的;热的
thermal power与其他相关词汇的区别:
1. thermal power与heat的区别:thermal power侧重于能量的转换和利用,而heat则更加强调热量本身。
2. thermal power与nuclear power的区别:thermal power是指通过燃烧燃料产生能量的发电方式,而nuclear power则是指利用核反应产生能量的发电方式。
与thermal power相关的词汇:
与thermal power意义相近的词汇:
与thermal power意义相反的词汇:
thermal power可以作为名词或形容词使用。作为名词时,指热能、热能发电或热电厂;作为形容词时,指与热能相关的。
- The thermal power plant generates electricity by burning coal. (热电厂)
- We need to find alternative sources of thermal power. (热能)
- The thermal power produced by the reactor is used to heat water and generate steam. (热能)
- Thermal power is a significant contributor to the country's energy mix. (热能发电)
- The thermal power plant is located near a water source for cooling purposes. (热电厂)
- Insulation is important for reducing thermal power loss. (形容词)
- The thermal power of the system can be adjusted based on demand. (形容词)
- Renewable energy is considered a sustainable alternative to thermal power. (反义词)
- Solar power and wind power are examples of renewable energy sources. (反义词)
- The thermal power sector plays a crucial role in the country's economy. (名词)
- The government plans to invest in expanding thermal power capacity. (名词)
- Increased thermal power generation contributes to higher carbon emissions. (名词)
- Efficiency improvements have been made in thermal power plants to reduce environmental impact. (名词)
- Thermal power is a reliable and cost-effective way to meet the energy demands of the growing population. (名词)
- The thermal power industry provides employment opportunities for many local residents. (名词)
- The thermal power plant is undergoing maintenance to ensure its efficient operation. (名词)
- Thermal power plants require a constant supply of fuel to operate. (名词)
- Cooling towers are used to dissipate excess heat from thermal power plants. (名词)
- Thermal power generation contributes to the country's energy independence. (名词)
- The thermal power plant is equipped with advanced technology for efficient electricity production. (名词)
- Government policies are driving the transition from thermal power to renewable energy sources. (名词)