1. cantact(无中文翻译) - Definition: Of or pertaining to cant (insincere, hypocritical speech or behavior). - Example: He spoke with a cantact tone, pretending to be interested in their conversation.名词(Noun)
1. cantact(无中文翻译) - Definition: The act of contacting or communication. - Example: I made cantact with the company's customer service to resolve my issue.词语辨析
- Cantact与Cant的区别:Cantact是cant的派生词,表示与cant相关的,而cant指的是虚伪、伪善的言行。词汇扩充
- contact(名词,动词):联系,接触 - contact lenses(名词):隐形眼镜 - contact list(名词):联系人列表 - contact sport(名词):接触运动近义词(Synonyms)
- hypocrisy(名词):伪善 - insincerity(名词):不真诚反义词(Antonyms)
- sincerity(名词):真诚柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
1. cantact - 无相关信息。牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
1. cantact - 无相关信息。用法
1. cantact - 例句:She couldn't stand his cantact behavior any longer.相关例句
- I need to cantact my lawyer regarding the legal matter. (我需要联系我的律师处理法律事务。)
- He has been avoiding cantact with his family for years. (多年来,他一直避免与家人联系。)
- They established cantact through email. (他们通过电子邮件建立了联系。)
- Please provide your cantact information so we can reach you. (请提供您的联系信息,以便我们与您联系。)
- She lost cantact with her childhood friend after moving to a different city. (她搬到另一个城市后与她的童年朋友失去了联系。)
- The cantact between the two companies led to a successful partnership. (两家公司之间的联系导致了成功的合作伙伴关系。)
- He made cantact with the organization to inquire about volunteering opportunities. (他与该组织联系,询问志愿者机会。)
- They lost cantact during the storm and were unable to find each other for hours. (他们在风暴中失去了联系,数小时内无法找到彼此。)
- He had a brief cantact with fame before fading into obscurity. (他曾一度与名声有过短暂的接触,然后就默默无闻了。)
- The cantact between the two teams became more intense as the game progressed. (随着比赛的进行,两支球队之间的接触变得更加激烈。)
- She made cantact with her long-lost relatives through a genealogy website. (她通过一个家谱网站与她失散已久的亲戚取得了联系。)
- He kept his cantact information private to avoid unwanted communication. (他保持着他的联系信息的私密性,以避免不必要的沟通。)
- The cantact between the two cultures led to a beautiful fusion of traditions. (两种文化之间的接触导致了传统的美丽融合。)
- I accidentally deleted her cantact from my phone and couldn't reach her afterwards. (我不小心从手机上删除了她的联系人,之后就无法联系上她了。)
- He approached the cantact person for the job opportunity. (他联系了负责该工作机会的人。)
- The cantact with nature had a calming effect on her. (与大自然的接触对她有镇定的效果。)
- They exchanged cantact information at the end of the meeting. (他们在会议结束时交换了联系信息。)
- She made cantact with the authorities to report the incident. (她与当局联系,报告了这一事件。)
- He had limited cantact with the outside world during his time in prison. (他在监狱期间与外界的联系有限。)
- The cantact between their eyes conveyed more than words ever could. (他们眼神间的接触传达了比语言更多的意义。)