中英词典:benzalkonium chloride
benzalkonium chloride (名词) - 苯扎溴铵,苯扎氯铵
benzalkonium chloride与benzethonium chloride是两种常见的季铵盐类化合物,常被误认为同一种物质,但它们有一些化学结构上的差异。
benzalkonium chloride的其他常见名称包括:BAC、quaternary ammonium compound、alkylbenzyldimethylammonium chloride等。
- benzethonium chloride (苯乙溴铵)
- cetylpyridinium chloride (十六烷基吡啶氯化铵)
- hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride (十六烷基三甲基氯化铵)
benzalkonium chloride (名词) - 苯扎溴铵,苯扎氯铵
benzalkonium chloride是一种季铵盐类化合物,常用于消毒剂和防腐剂。
benzalkonium chloride (名词) - 苯扎溴铵,苯扎氯铵
benzalkonium chloride是一种季铵盐类化合物,用于各种消毒剂和防腐剂中。
benzalkonium chloride常用于制备消毒液、洗手液、眼药水、喉咙喷雾剂、创可贴等产品中。
- Many disinfectants, including benzalkonium chloride, are effective against a wide range of bacteria. (许多消毒剂,包括苯扎溴铵,对多种细菌有效。)
- Benzalkonium chloride is commonly used as a preservative in ophthalmic solutions. (苯扎溴铵常用作眼科溶液的防腐剂。)
- The hand sanitizer contains benzalkonium chloride to kill bacteria. (这种洗手液含有苯扎溴铵以杀菌。)
- Some individuals may experience an allergic reaction to benzalkonium chloride. (一些人可能对苯扎溴铵产生过敏反应。)
- The concentration of benzalkonium chloride in the disinfectant should be carefully controlled. (消毒剂中苯扎溴铵的浓度应该严格控制。)
- Benzalkonium chloride is effective against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. (苯扎溴铵对革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌都有效。)
- Benzalkonium chloride is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for its antimicrobial properties. (苯扎溴铵因其抗菌特性在制药行业广泛使用。)
- Exposure to high concentrations of benzalkonium chloride may cause skin irritation. (暴露在高浓度的苯扎溴铵中可能引起皮肤刺激。)
- Benzalkonium chloride is an effective surfactant and can be used in cleaning products. (苯扎溴铵是一种有效的表面活性剂,可用于清洁产品中。)
- Eye drops containing benzalkonium chloride should be used with caution in contact lens wearers. (含有苯扎溴铵的眼药水在佩戴隐形眼镜的人士中需谨慎使用。)
- The concentration of benzalkonium chloride in the disinfectant determines its effectiveness. (消毒剂中苯扎溴铵的浓度决定了其有效性。)
- Benzalkonium chloride is commonly used as a preservative in cosmetic products. (苯扎溴铵常用作化妆品中的防腐剂。)
- Long-term exposure to benzalkonium chloride may have adverse effects on aquatic organisms. (长期接触苯扎溴铵可能对水生生物产生不良影响。)
- Benzalkonium chloride has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. (苯扎溴铵具有广谱抗微生物活性。)
- Benzalkonium chloride is commonly used in hand sanitizers to prevent the spread of germs. (苯扎溴铵常用于洗手液中以防止细菌传播。)
- It is important to follow the recommended concentration of benzalkonium chloride when using it as a disinfectant. (使用苯扎溴铵作为消毒剂时,遵循推荐的浓度非常重要。)
- Benzalkonium chloride has been found to be effective against certain viruses. (发现苯扎溴铵对某些病毒有效。)
- Some people may develop an allergic reaction to benzalkonium chloride in certain products. (一些人可能对某些产品中的苯扎溴铵产生过敏反应。)
- Benzalkonium chloride is commonly used in nasal sprays as a preservative. (苯扎溴铵常用作鼻喷剂的防腐剂。)
- It is important to read the label and instructions when using products containing benzalkonium chloride. (使用含有苯扎溴铵的产品时,阅读标签和说明非常重要。)