1. (指人)幽默的,滑稽的
cometure的同义词:witty, amusing, comical
cometure的反义词:serious, solemn, humorless
1. (指人)滑稽演员,喜剧演员
cometure的同义词:buffoon, joker, funnyman
cometure的反义词:tragedian, serious actor, dramatic performer
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)解释
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)解释
- He was known for his cometure personality and always made people laugh.(他以他幽默的个性而闻名,总是让人们笑个不停。)
- The comedian's cometure style is loved by audiences of all ages.(这位喜剧演员的滑稽风格被各个年龄段的观众喜爱。)
- She delivered her lines with a perfect cometure timing, earning laughter from the audience.(她以完美的滑稽节奏说出台词,赢得了观众的笑声。)
- His cometure performance at the talent show impressed the judges and won him first place.(他在才艺表演中的滑稽表演给评委留下了深刻的印象,并获得了第一名。)
- The circus hired a famous cometure to entertain the crowd during intermissions.(马戏团雇了一位著名的滑稽演员在幕间休息时为观众娱乐。)
- He was known for his wit and became a successful cometure.(他以他的机智而闻名,并成为一名成功的滑稽演员。)
- The children burst into laughter as the cometure juggled and performed tricks.(孩子们看到滑稽演员变戏法、表演技巧时都笑得合不拢嘴。)
- She had a natural talent for comedy and pursued a career as a cometure.(她天生擅长喜剧,并追求成为一名滑稽演员的职业。)
- His cometure act involves physical comedy and hilarious facial expressions.(他的滑稽表演涉及肢体喜剧和搞笑的面部表情。)
- The comedian's witty remarks and quick comebacks showcased his cometure skills.(这位喜剧演员机智的言辞和迅速的应对展示了他的滑稽技巧。)
- As a cometure, he thrived on making people laugh and bringing joy to their lives.(作为一名滑稽演员,他喜欢让人们笑和给他们的生活带来快乐。)
- Her talent as a cometure was recognized and she was invited to perform at prestigious comedy festivals.(她作为一名滑稽演员的才能得到了认可,并受邀参加了备受推崇的喜剧节的演出。)
- The clown's cometure act involved slapstick humor and exaggerated physical movements.(小丑的滑稽表演涉及闹剧式的幽默和夸张的肢体动作。)
- He studied the techniques of famous cometures and incorporated them into his own performances.(他研究了著名滑稽演员的技巧,并将其融入自己的表演中。)
- Her cometure routine always brought smiles to the faces of the audience members.(她的滑稽惯例总是让观众们面带笑容。)
- The comedian's cometure act was a hit, leaving the audience roaring with laughter.(这位喜剧演员的滑稽表演大受欢迎,让观众捧腹大笑。)
- He was invited to perform as a cometure at the comedy club's grand opening.(他受邀作为滑稽演员参加喜剧俱乐部的盛大开幕式。)
- She was known for her quick wit and became a popular cometure on the stand-up comedy circuit.(她以机智聪明而闻名,在单口喜剧界成为一名受欢迎的滑稽演员。)
- The circus troupe recruited talented cometures from around the world to create a diverse and entertaining show.(马戏团从世界各地招募有才华的滑稽演员,打造了一场多样化、富有娱乐性的演出。)
- He delivered a cometure routine that had the audience in stitches.(他表演了一个令观众捧腹大笑的滑稽惯例。)