- 系统抽样的;系统抽样法的名词
- 系统抽样(法)词语辨析
- 系统抽样(法)是指按照一定的规则和程序从总体中抽取样本的方法。它与随机抽样不同,系统抽样是按照一定的间隔或者顺序从总体中选取样本。词汇扩充
- systematic(形容词):系统的;有系统的 - sample(名词):样品;样本 - sampling(名词):抽样;取样近义词
- systematic sampling method - systematic sample反义词
- random sampling method - random sample柯林斯词典
- systematicsampling (noun): a method of sampling a population in which the selection of each sample element is made independently of all other elements and in which each possible sample of a given size is equally likely to be selected牛津词典
- systematicsampling (noun): a method of sampling a population in which samples are chosen at regular intervals, the first sample being chosen randomly用法
- The researchers used systematicsampling to select the participants for the study.相关的例句
- The survey used systematicsampling to ensure representation from all age groups.(该调查采用了系统抽样法以确保各个年龄段的代表性。)
- In systematicsampling, every nth item is selected from the population.(在系统抽样中,从总体中选择每个间隔为n的项目。)
- Systematicsampling is often used in research studies to ensure a representative sample.(系统抽样经常用于研究中以确保代表性样本。)
- The systematicsampling method provides an unbiased way to select samples from a population.(系统抽样法为从总体中选择样本提供了一种无偏的方法。)
- Systematicsampling can be more efficient than random sampling for certain types of research.(对于某些类型的研究,系统抽样可能比随机抽样更高效。)
- By using systematicsampling, the researchers were able to obtain a representative sample of the population.(通过使用系统抽样,研究人员能够获得总体的代表性样本。)
- Systematicsampling ensures that each sample in the study has an equal chance of being selected.(系统抽样确保研究中的每个样本都有相等的被选中的机会。)
- The systematicsampling technique allows for the selection of a representative sample without relying on random chance.(系统抽样技术可以在不依赖随机机会的情况下选择代表性样本。)
- Systematicsampling is commonly used in surveys and research studies to collect data from a large population.(系统抽样在调查和研究中常用于收集大规模总体的数据。)
- The systematicsampling process involves selecting samples at regular intervals to ensure an unbiased representation of the population.(系统抽样过程涉及按照规律间隔选择样本,以确保对总体的无偏表示。)
- In systematicsampling, the selection of each sample element is made independently of all other elements.(在系统抽样中,每个样本元素的选择与其他所有元素无关。)
- The systematicsampling method allows researchers to efficiently collect data from a large population without having to sample every individual.(系统抽样方法使研究人员能够高效地从大规模总体中收集数据,而不必对每个个体进行抽样。)
- Systematicsampling is a useful technique for obtaining a representative sample when it is not practical to sample the entire population.(当对整个总体进行抽样不切实际时,系统抽样是获得代表性样本的有用技术。)
- The researchers used systematicsampling to select a subset of participants for the in-depth interviews.(研究人员使用系统抽样法选择了一部分参与者进行深入访谈。)
- Systematicsampling can be a cost-effective way to collect data from a large population.(系统抽样可以是从大规模总体中收集数据的一种经济高效的方法。)
- In systematicsampling, the interval between each selected sample is determined in advance.(在系统抽样中,每个选定样本之间的间隔是事先确定的。)
- The systematicsampling technique is commonly used in opinion polls to gather information from a diverse population.(系统抽样技术常用于民意调查中,以从不同的人群中收集信息。)
- Systematicsampling is a non-random method of selecting samples that can be used when random sampling is not feasible.(系统抽样是一种非随机选择样本的方法,可在随机抽样不可行时使用。)
- The researchers employed systematicsampling to ensure a balanced representation of different demographic groups.(研究人员采用系统抽样法以确保不同人口统计学群体的平衡代表。)
- Systematicsampling is a practical method for selecting samples from a large population in a systematic and efficient manner.(系统抽样是一种系统且高效地从大规模总体中选择样本的实用方法。)