1. vested interest 词义:有既得利益的,有私利的 例句:【名词】
1. vested interest 词义:既得利益,私利 例句:【词语辨析】
vested interest与benefit、advantage、profit等词均有“利益”的意思,但vested interest强调的是已经确立的、既得的利益,强调了私利的成分。
1. vested权益 2. vested right法定权利 3. vested property既得财产 4. vested claim既得权利 5. vested retirement既得退休金
1. personal interest私人利益 2. private interest私利 3. self-interest自私 4. individual interest个人利益
1. public interest公共利益 2. common interest共同利益 3. collective interest集体利益
【柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)】
1. (名词)If you have a vested interest in something, you have a personal or private reason for wanting things to happen in a particular way, especially because you will benefit from it.(如果你对某事有既得利益,你有一个个人或私人的原因希望事情以特定的方式发生,特别是因为你会从中受益。) 2. (形容词)If you say that someone has a vested interest in something, you believe that they have a personal or private reason for wanting things to happen in a particular way, often in a way that benefits themselves.(如果你说某人对某事有既得利益,你认为他们有一个个人或私人的原因希望事情以特定的方式发生,通常是以使他们自己受益的方式。)
【牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)】
1. (名词)A personal stake or involvement in an undertaking or state of affairs, especially one with an expectation of financial or other gain.(对某项事业或事态的个人利益或参与,尤指对获得经济或其他收益的期望。) 2. (形容词)Having a personal stake or involvement in an undertaking or state of affairs, especially one with an expectation of financial gain.(对某项事业或事态有个人利益或参与,尤指对获得经济利益的期望。)
1. vested interest作名词时,常用复数形式vested interests。 2. vested interest作形容词时,常放在名词前作定语。
- They are protecting their vested interests at the expense of the public.(他们以公众的代价保护自己的既得利益。)
- The government is accused of serving vested interests rather than the needs of the people.(政府被指责为了既得利益而不是人民的需求而服务。)
- He has a vested interest in the company's success.(他对公司的成功有着既得利益。)
- Politicians with vested interests are unlikely to support this reform.(有私利的政治家不太可能支持这项改革。)
- She is driven by vested interests rather than a passion for justice.(她受到个人利益的驱使,而不是对正义的热情。)
- The company's decision was influenced by vested interests within the organization.(该公司的决定受到组织内部的既得利益的影响。)
- It is important to consider the vested interests of all stakeholders in this project.(在这个项目中,考虑到所有利益相关者的既得利益是很重要的。)
- They are using their vested power to manipulate the market.(他们正在利用他们的既得权力操纵市场。)
- Some politicians are only interested in protecting their vested interests.(一些政治家只对保护自己的既得利益感兴趣。)
- He has a vested interest in the outcome of the negotiations.(他对谈判结果有既得利益。)
- She is known for her vested interests in the fashion industry.(她以在时尚界的既得利益而闻名。)
- The company's decision was made to safeguard the vested interests of its shareholders.(该公司的决定是为了保护股东的既得利益。)
- They are accused of using their vested power to manipulate the system.(他们被指责利用他们的既得权力来操纵体系。)
- He is driven by his own vested interests rather than the greater good.(他受到自己的既得利益驱使,而不是为了更大的利益。)
- The vested interests of certain individuals should not override the needs of the majority.(某些个人的既得利益不应该凌驾于大多数人的需求之上。)
- Public officials should not be influenced by vested interests.(公务员不应受到既得利益的影响。)
- The legislation aims to limit the influence of vested interests in politics.(该立法旨在限制既得利益在政治中的影响。)
- The company's decision was made to protect the vested interests of its executives.(公司的决定是为了保护其高管的既得利益。)
- They have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.(他们有着维持现状的既得利益。)
- She is accused of using her position for personal vested interests.(她被指责利用自己的职位谋取私利。)
- They are lobbying to protect their vested interests in the industry.(他们正在游说以保护自己在该行业的既得利益。)