decimalplaces [形]
1. 小数位数的。
decimalplaces [名]
1. 小数位数。
decimalplaces [formal]
If you talk about the decimalplaces in a number, you are talking about the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
decimalplaces [formal]
Each digit in a number is called a place. The number 5,358 has four places: the thousands place, the hundreds place, the tens place, and the units place. In a decimalnumber, the decimalplaces are the positions to the right of the decimal point.
1. The number "3.14159" has a total of 5 decimalplaces.
2. When rounding to two decimalplaces, the number 3.147 would become 3.15.
3. The decimalplaces of the result can be adjusted by changing the precision of the calculation.
4. The calculator displays up to 8 decimalplaces for greater accuracy.
5. The result is rounded to two decimalplaces for simplicity.
- The value of π is approximately 3.14159, with five decimalplaces. (π的值约为3.14159,保留五位小数。)
- Round the answer to three decimalplaces. (将答案四舍五入到三位小数。)
- She calculated the average to two decimalplaces. (她计算了平均值保留到两位小数。)
- The measurement should be recorded to the nearest decimalplace. (测量结果应记录到最近的小数位。)
- It is important to specify the decimalplaces when reporting experimental data. (在报告实验数据时,指定小数位数是很重要的。)
- He rounded the final answer to the nearest hundredth decimalplace. (他将最终答案四舍五入到最近的百分位小数。)
- The calculator automatically displays four decimalplaces. (计算器会自动显示四位小数。)
- Please provide the data with at least two decimalplaces. (请至少提供两位小数的数据。)
- The precision of the measurement is determined by the number of decimalplaces recorded. (测量的精度由记录的小数位数决定。)
- The answer is correct to three decimalplaces. (答案保留到三位小数是正确的。)
- Make sure to round the result to the appropriate number of decimalplaces. (请确保将结果四舍五入到适当的小数位数。)
- The scale is marked with decimalplaces for precise measurements. (刻度上标有小数位数以进行精确测量。)
- The program allows you to specify the desired number of decimalplaces for the output. (该程序允许您指定输出的小数位数。)
- He rounded the value to the nearest whole number, discarding the decimalplaces. (他将该值四舍五入到最近的整数,舍弃了小数位。)
- The decimalplaces can be adjusted using the settings menu. (可以通过设置菜单调整小数位数。)
- Please enter your answer rounded to two decimalplaces. (请四舍五入到两位小数输入您的答案。)
- For accurate calculations, it is important to consider all the decimalplaces. (为了准确计算,重要的是要考虑所有的小数位数。)
- The report requires the data to be presented with three decimalplaces. (报告要求将数据以三位小数的形式呈现。)
- The decimalplaces can be adjusted to increase or decrease the precision of the result. (可以调整小数位数以增加或降低结果的精度。)
- The measurement should be rounded to the nearest tenth decimalplace. (测量结果应四舍五入到最近的十分位小数。)