1. 爱说个不停的;喋喋不休的2. 嘟囔的;咕哝的
1. 爱说个不停的人;喋喋不休的人2. 喋喋不休的声音;嘟囔声
jabberer, motormouth
blabbermouth, windbag
introvert, quiet person
chatterbox (noun)
1. If you say that someone is a chatterbox, you mean they talk a lot, often about things that are not important.
2. If you say that a machine or animal is a chatterbox, you mean it makes a lot of quick, light sounds.
chatterbox (adjective)
1. If you describe someone as chatterbox, you mean they talk a lot, especially in a quick and friendly way.
2. If you describe a machine or animal as chatterbox, you mean it makes a lot of quick, light sounds.
chatterbox (noun)
1. A person, especially a child, who talks a lot.
2. A device or machine that produces a series of quick, light clicking sounds.
chatterbox (adjective)
1. Talking quickly and a lot.
2. Making a series of quick, light clicking sounds.
- The little girl is a chatterbox and talks all day long. (这个小女孩是个爱说个不停的人,整天都在说话。)
- He can't keep a secret, he's a real chatterbox. (他保不住秘密,真是个喋喋不休的人。)
- She's such a chatterbox that it's hard to get a word in edgewise. (她爱说个不停,很难插话。)
- My little sister is a chatterbox and can talk for hours. (我妹妹是个话痨,可以说上几个小时。)
- The chatterbox parrot amused the visitors at the zoo. (那只会喋喋不休的鹦鹉逗得动物园的游客哈哈大笑。)
- Don't lend her your phone, she's a real chatterbox! (别把手机借给她,她可是个话痨!)
- She's a chatty person and always has interesting stories to share. (她是个健谈的人,总是有趣的故事要分享。)
- The chatty taxi driver told us about the city's history during the ride. (健谈的出租车司机在车上给我们讲述了这座城市的历史。)
- The chatty customers in the café made it a lively and friendly environment. (咖啡馆里健谈的顾客使得环境热闹友好。)
- The chatty host kept the conversation flowing throughout the dinner party. (健谈的主人在整个晚宴期间保持着对话的进行。)
- The chatty parrot entertained everyone with its funny remarks. (那只健谈的鹦鹉用它滑稽的言辞逗乐了大家。)
- She's always been a bit of a jabberer, but we love her anyway. (她一直都有点嘟囔,但我们无论如何还是爱她。)
- He's such a motormouth that it's exhausting to be around him. (他说个不停,待在他身边真的很累人。)
- The blabbermouth couldn't keep the secret and told everyone. (爱说话的人保不住秘密,把事情告诉了每个人。)
- She's an introvert, the opposite of a chatterbox. (她是个内向的人,与爱说个不停的人相反。)
- My brother is a quiet person and rarely speaks unless necessary. (我哥哥是个安静的人,除非有必要,他很少说话。)
- She's a windbag and never stops talking about herself. (她是个喋喋不休的人,从不停止谈论自己。)
- The machine in the factory makes a constant chatterbox noise. (工厂里的机器发出持续不断的嘟囔声。)
- The chatty birds outside my window woke me up early in the morning. (窗外嘟囔个不停的鸟儿早上把我吵醒了。)