localisation [ˌləʊkəlaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n] (also localization)
- 定位,定位技术,定位系统
- 地方化,本土化
localisation [ˌləʊkəlaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n] (also localization)
- 本土化的,地方化的
localise (动词) [ˈləʊkəlaɪz] (also localize)
location, positioning
globalisation, internationalisation
localisation (英国英语) (also localization 美国英语) 名词
- the process of making something local in character or restricting it to a particular place
- the process of adjusting a product's design or function to suit local requirements or preferences
- the process of translating a computer program into another language
localisation (英国英语) (also localization 美国英语) 名词
- the process of making something local in character or restricting it to a particular place
- the process of translating a computer program into another language
localisation (或localization)可作为名词和形容词使用。
- They are working on the localisation of the software for international markets. (他们正在进行软件的国际化工作。)
- The company aims to achieve localisation of its products to cater to the specific needs of each region. (该公司旨在实现产品的本土化,以满足每个地区的特定需求。)
- This smartphone has advanced GPS localisation capabilities. (这款智能手机具有先进的GPS定位功能。)
- The localisation of the film's storyline appealed to the local audience. (电影故事的本土化吸引了当地观众。)
- In order to expand globally, the company needs to balance standardization and localization. (为了全球扩张,公司需要平衡标准化和本土化。)
- The video game developer is investing in localisation to make the game more accessible to players around the world. (这家电子游戏开发商正在投资本土化,使游戏更加适合全球玩家。)
- The localisation of the app includes language translation and cultural adaptation. (该应用的本土化包括语言翻译和文化适应。)
- The company has achieved successful localisation of its products in the Asian market. (该公司在亚洲市场实现了成功的本土化产品。)
- She is responsible for the localisation of the company's marketing campaigns to target different regions. (她负责将公司的营销活动本土化,以针对不同的地区。)
- The localisation of the restaurant's menu reflects the culinary preferences of the local community. (餐厅菜单的本土化反映了当地社区的烹饪偏好。)
- He is an expert in software localisation and has translated numerous programs into multiple languages. (他是软件本土化的专家,已将许多程序翻译成多种语言。)
- The company's localisation strategy involves collaborating with local partners to adapt their products for the regional market. (该公司的本土化战略涉及与当地合作伙伴合作,使其产品适应区域市场。)
- The success of the film's localisation can be attributed to its accurate portrayal of the local culture. (电影本土化的成功可归功于其对当地文化的准确描绘。)
- She is currently working on the localisation of the company's website to cater to international customers. (她目前正在进行公司网站的本土化工作,以满足国际客户的需求。)
- The localisation of the product packaging includes translating the instructions into multiple languages. (产品包装的本土化包括将说明书翻译成多种语言。)
- Research is being conducted to determine the best localisation strategy for entering the European market. (正在进行研究,以确定进入欧洲市场的最佳本土化策略。)
- The localisation of the software ensures that it is user-friendly for people from different language backgrounds. (软件的本土化确保它对来自不同语言背景的人友好易用。)
- The company's localisation efforts have resulted in increased market share in foreign markets. (公司的本土化努力导致了在国外市场的市场份额增加。)
- He specializes in localisation and has helped many companies adapt their products for global distribution. (他专门从事本土化工作,并帮助许多公司将其产品适应全球分销。)
- The localisation of the software is ongoing, with regular updates to improve its compatibility with different systems. (软件的本土化工作正在进行中,定期更新以改善其与不同系统的兼容性。)