- 1. 虚拟保真度(Virtual Presence Teleportation)的缩写,指通过虚拟现实技术实现的高度真实感和参与感。
- 2. 可见光通讯(Visible Light Positioning)的缩写,指利用可见光进行定位和导航的技术。
- 1. 虚拟保真度(Virtual Presence Teleportation)的缩写,指通过虚拟现实技术实现的高度真实感和参与感。
- 2. 可见光通讯(Visible Light Positioning)的缩写,指利用可见光进行定位和导航的技术。
VPT 在形容词和名词的不同含义中有相同的缩写,因此在具体使用时需要根据语境来确定其指代。
- - 虚拟现实(Virtual Reality)
- - 可见光(Visible Light)
- - 保真度(Fidelity)
- - 参与感(Immersion)
- - 定位(Positioning)
- - 导航(Navigation)
根据上下文确定 VPT 的具体含义。
- 1. The VPT technology allows users to immerse themselves in virtual reality environments. (VPT技术使用户能够沉浸在虚拟现实环境中。)
- 2. The company is developing a VPT system for indoor positioning using visible light. (该公司正在开发一种利用可见光进行室内定位的VPT系统。)
- 3. The VPT experience was so realistic that I felt like I was actually there. (VPT的体验如此逼真,以至于我感觉自己真的在那里。)
- 4. The VPT technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we navigate in indoor spaces. (VPT技术有潜力彻底改变我们在室内空间中导航的方式。)
- 5. The VPT demo showcased the latest advancements in virtual reality. (VPT演示展示了虚拟现实领域的最新进展。)
- 6. Researchers are exploring the applications of VPT in various fields, such as healthcare and education. (研究人员正在探索VPT在医疗和教育等各个领域的应用。)
- 7. The VPT system uses visible light signals to accurately determine the position of the user. (VPT系统利用可见光信号准确确定用户的位置。)
- 8. The VPT experience provided a sense of presence and immersion that was unparalleled. (VPT的体验提供了一种无与伦比的存在感和沉浸感。)
- 9. The VPT technology has the potential to transform how we interact with digital content. (VPT技术有潜力改变我们与数字内容互动的方式。)
- 10. The VPT system relies on advanced algorithms to deliver a seamless virtual reality experience. (VPT系统依靠先进的算法提供无缝的虚拟现实体验。)
- 11. The VPT solution offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional positioning systems. (VPT解决方案提供了一种成本效益高的替代传统定位系统的选择。)
- 12. The VPT technology has the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry. (VPT技术有潜力彻底改变游戏行业。)
- 13. The VPT system can accurately track the movement of users within a confined space. (VPT系统可以准确跟踪用户在有限空间内的移动。)
- 14. The VPT experience was so immersive that I temporarily forgot about my surroundings. (VPT的体验如此沉浸,以至于我暂时忘记了周围的环境。)
- 15. The VPT technology enables remote collaboration in a realistic virtual environment. (VPT技术在逼真的虚拟环境中实现了远程协作。)
- 16. The VPT system uses visible light signals for precise indoor positioning. (VPT系统利用可见光信号进行精确的室内定位。)
- 17. The VPT experience provided an unprecedented level of immersion and realism. (VPT的体验提供了前所未有的沉浸感和真实感。)
- 18. The VPT technology has the potential to enhance training simulations in various industries. (VPT技术有潜力提升各行各业的培训模拟。)
- 19. The VPT system offers a seamless navigation experience using visible light signals. (VPT系统利用可见光信号提供无缝的导航体验。)
- 20. The VPT experience transported me to a different world, even if it was just for a few minutes. (即使只是短短几分钟,VPT的体验也将我带到了一个不同的世界。)