vrd [名词] 1. (虚拟现实设备)Virtual Reality Device 2. (车辆回收中心)Vehicle Recycling Depot词性
形容词 vrd:虚拟现实的,与虚拟现实有关的 名词 vrd:虚拟现实设备,车辆回收中心词语辨析
1. vrd technology:虚拟现实技术 2. vrd headset:虚拟现实头显 3. vrd experience:虚拟现实体验近义词
virtual reality device, virtual reality headset反义词
physical reality, real world柯林斯词典
1. I bought a new vrd for playing virtual reality games. (我购买了一台新的虚拟现实设备用来玩虚拟现实游戏。) 2. The vrd provides an immersive virtual reality experience. (这款虚拟现实设备提供了身临其境的虚拟现实体验。)例句
- I enjoy using my vrd to explore virtual worlds. (我喜欢使用虚拟现实设备探索虚拟世界。)
- The vrd allows users to interact with the virtual environment. (虚拟现实设备可以让用户与虚拟环境进行交互。)
- She bought a high-end vrd headset for a more immersive experience. (她购买了一款高端虚拟现实头显,以获得更身临其境的体验。)
- The vrd technology has revolutionized the gaming industry. (虚拟现实技术已经彻底改变了游戏行业。)
- He works at a vrd development company. (他在一家虚拟现实设备开发公司工作。)
- The vrd market is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. (预计未来几年虚拟现实设备市场将快速增长。)
- They are conducting research on vrd applications in healthcare. (他们正在研究虚拟现实设备在医疗领域的应用。)
- The vrd provides a 360-degree view of the virtual world. (虚拟现实设备能够提供对虚拟世界的全景视图。)
- He spent hours wearing the vrd and exploring virtual landscapes. (他花了几个小时戴着虚拟现实设备探索虚拟景观。)
- The vrd experience is truly immersive and realistic. (虚拟现实设备的体验真实且身临其境。)
- She attended a conference on vrd and its applications in education. (她参加了一场关于虚拟现实设备及其在教育中应用的会议。)
- The vrd technology has been adopted in various industries. (虚拟现实技术已经被应用于各个行业。)
- He is developing a new vrd game that will be compatible with multiple platforms. (他正在开发一款兼容多个平台的新虚拟现实游戏。)
- The vrd allows users to experience virtual worlds without leaving their homes. (虚拟现实设备使用户能够在家中就能体验虚拟世界。)
- They are conducting a study on the effects of vrd on spatial cognition. (他们正在进行一项关于虚拟现实设备对空间认知的影响的研究。)
- The vrd industry is constantly evolving with new advancements in technology. (随着技术的不断进步,虚拟现实设备行业也在不断发展。)
- She used the vrd to simulate a virtual surgery. (她使用虚拟现实设备模拟了一次虚拟手术。)
- He is fascinated by the possibilities of vrd in creating immersive storytelling experiences. (他对虚拟现实设备在创造身临其境的叙事体验方面的可能性着迷。)
- The vrd can transport users to any virtual location. (虚拟现实设备可以将用户传送到任何虚拟位置。)
- They are developing vrd applications for training purposes in various industries. (他们正在开发用于各行各业培训目的的虚拟现实设备应用。)
- The vrd provides a new way to experience and interact with digital content. (虚拟现实设备提供了一种体验和与数字内容互动的新方式。)