VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding) 是一种将一个物理路由器分割成多个虚拟路由器的技术。它能够在同一网络基础设施上创建多个独立的虚拟路由表,使不同的虚拟路由器之间互相隔离,仿佛是独立的物理路由器。 词语辨析:VRF和VLAN都是虚拟化网络技术,但它们的功能不同。VRF主要用于逻辑隔离,将一个物理路由器分割成多个独立的虚拟路由器;而VLAN主要用于物理隔离,将一个物理局域网划分成多个逻辑上独立的虚拟局域网。 词汇扩充:VRF-Lite(轻量级VRF)是一种运行在单个路由器上的VRF技术,与传统的VRF相比,它不需要使用专用的路由器模块。相关词汇
- 虚拟化 (Virtualization) - 路由器 (Router) - 路由表 (Routing Table) - 逻辑隔离 (Logical Isolation) - 物理隔离 (Physical Isolation)形容词
VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) 是一种变频制冷技术,用于空调和制冷系统中。它通过调整制冷剂的流量,实现对不同区域或设备的精确控制,提高能效和舒适性。 词语辨析:VRF和VRV(Variable Refrigerant Volume)是两种类似的制冷技术,它们都使用了变频调节制冷剂流量的方式,但VRV是大金公司(Daikin)推出的商标,而VRF是通用术语。相关词汇
- 制冷剂 (Refrigerant) - 变频调节 (Variable Speed Control) - 能效 (Energy Efficiency) - 精确控制 (Precise Control)柯林斯词典
VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding): A technology that allows a physical router to be divided into multiple virtual routers, creating separate virtual routing tables for each.牛津词典
VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding): A technique used in computer networking to create multiple instances of a routing table in a router.用法示例
- The company implemented VRF to achieve network segmentation and improve security. (公司采用了VRF技术实现了网络分割和提升安全性。)
- VRF enables the creation of isolated virtual networks within a single physical infrastructure. (VRF能够在一个物理基础设施内创建独立的虚拟网络。)
- We are considering deploying VRF-Lite to simplify our network architecture. (我们正在考虑部署VRF-Lite以简化我们的网络架构。)
- The HVAC system in the building uses VRF technology for efficient cooling and heating. (建筑物中的空调系统采用VRF技术进行高效冷暖调节。)
- VRF allows for precise control of temperature in different areas of the building. (VRF技术能够精确控制建筑物不同区域的温度。)
- The company implemented VRF to achieve network segmentation and improve security. (公司采用了VRF技术实现了网络分割和提升安全性。)
- VRF enables the creation of isolated virtual networks within a single physical infrastructure. (VRF能够在一个物理基础设施内创建独立的虚拟网络。)
- We are considering deploying VRF-Lite to simplify our network architecture. (我们正在考虑部署VRF-Lite以简化我们的网络架构。)
- The HVAC system in the building uses VRF technology for efficient cooling and heating. (建筑物中的空调系统采用VRF技术进行高效冷暖调节。)
- VRF allows for precise control of temperature in different areas of the building. (VRF技术能够精确控制建筑物不同区域的温度。)
- The VRF configuration was complex but provided the desired network isolation. (VRF的配置很复杂,但提供了所需的网络隔离。)
- By using VRF, the company was able to separate its guest network from the internal network. (通过使用VRF,公司能够将客户网络与内部网络分隔开。)
- The VRF feature on the router allows for better control over traffic between different VPNs. (路由器上的VRF功能可以更好地控制不同VPN之间的流量。)
- With VRF, the network administrator can manage multiple routing tables on a single device. (使用VRF,网络管理员可以在单个设备上管理多个路由表。)
- The VRF technology improved the scalability and flexibility of the network infrastructure. (VRF技术提高了网络基础设施的可扩展性和灵活性。)
- The VRF-Lite implementation simplified the network design and reduced hardware costs. (VRF-Lite的实施简化了网络设计并降低了硬件成本。)
- VRF and VLAN are both used for network segmentation, but they serve different purposes. (VRF和VLAN都用于网络分割,但它们有不同的用途。)
- By utilizing VRF, the company achieved better control over its network traffic. (通过利用VRF,公司实现了对网络流量的更好控制。)
- VRF technology is widely used in large-scale networks to improve efficiency and security. (VRF技术在大型网络中被广泛应用以提高效率和安全性。)
- The VRF configuration required careful planning and coordination among different teams. (VRF的配置需要在不同团队之间进行仔细的规划和协调。)
- VRF allows for the creation of separate routing domains within a single network infrastructure. (VRF允许在单个网络基础设施内创建独立的路由域。)
- The VRF feature of the router provides enhanced network security through logical isolation. (路由器的VRF功能通过逻辑隔离提供了增强的网络安全性。)
- With VRF-Lite, the company could easily manage multiple customer networks on a single device. (通过VRF-Lite,公司可以在单个设备上轻松管理多个客户网络。)
- VRF technology offers a scalable and flexible solution for network virtualization. (VRF技术为网络虚拟化提供了可扩展和灵活的解决方案。)
- The VRF configuration on the router required expertise in network routing protocols. (路由器上的VRF配置需要对网络路由协议有专业知识。)
- VRF and VPN technologies can be used together to provide secure and isolated network connections. (VRF和VPN技术可以结合使用,提供安全和隔离的网络连接。)