pinnacle [ˈpɪnəkl̩]
- 最高的;极高的
- 尖塔;尖顶
- 山峰
- 顶峰;巅峰
- 顶点;极点
- 最高水平;巅峰状态
1. pinnacle: 指物体尖端或最高点,也可指某一领域的最高水平。
2. summit: 指山或事物的顶端,也可指高级会议或峰会。
3. peak: 指山的尖峰或事物的最高点,也可指状态或兴盛时期。
1. pinnacled (adj.):尖塔状的;有尖顶的
2. pinnacles (pl. n.):尖塔;尖顶
3. pinnacle-like (adj.):像尖塔的;像尖顶的
summit, top, apex, zenith, peak, climax
base, bottom, nadir
pinnacle (noun)
- A pinnacle is a pointed piece of stone or rock that is high above the ground.
- If someone reaches the pinnacle of their career or the pinnacle of something they have been striving for, they achieve the highest point of success or excellence in it.
pinnacle (noun)
- The pinnacle of a tall building or mountain is its pointed top or peak.
- If someone reaches the pinnacle of their career or the pinnacle of something they have been striving for, they have reached the highest point of it.
1. He reached the pinnacle of his career as a professional athlete.
2. The mountain climbers finally reached the pinnacle.
3. The new skyscraper's pinnacle is visible from miles away.
4. She was at the pinnacle of her success when she won the award.
- He reached the pinnacle of success in his profession. 他在职业上达到了巅峰。
- The mountain climbers finally reached the pinnacle. 登山者们终于到达了山顶。
- The new skyscraper's pinnacle is visible from miles away. 这座新的摩天大楼的尖顶在几英里之外都能看见。
- She was at the pinnacle of her success when she won the award. 她在获奖时正值事业的巅峰。
- The pinnacle of his career was when he became the CEO of the company. 他职业生涯的顶峰是成为该公司的首席执行官。
- The mountain's pinnacle was covered in snow. 山顶被雪覆盖着。
- Reaching the pinnacle of success takes a lot of hard work and dedication. 达到成功的顶峰需要付出大量的努力和奉献。
- She felt a sense of accomplishment when she reached the pinnacle of the mountain. 当她到达山顶时,她感到了一种成就感。
- The pinnacle of his musical career was performing at Carnegie Hall. 他音乐生涯的巅峰是在卡内基音乐厅表演。
- The pinnacle of the monument stood tall against the sky. 纪念碑的尖顶高高耸立在天空中。
- They wanted to reach the pinnacle of success in their chosen field. 他们想在自己选择的领域中达到成功的顶峰。
- He climbed to the pinnacle of the mountain to enjoy the breathtaking view. 他爬到山顶上欣赏惊人的景色。
- The company's success reached its pinnacle with the launch of their new product. 随着新产品的推出,公司的成功达到了顶峰。
- She was at the pinnacle of her career when she decided to retire. 她在决定退休时正值事业的巅峰。
- The pinnacle of the cathedral towered above the city skyline. 大教堂的尖顶高耸于城市的天际线之上。
- He was determined to reach the pinnacle of his field and become the best. 他决心要达到自己所在领域的顶峰,成为最优秀的人。
- Reaching the pinnacle of success requires a combination of talent and hard work. 要达到成功的巅峰需要才华和努力的结合。
- The pinnacle of their relationship was their dream wedding in a beautiful castle. 他们关系的巅峰是在一座美丽的城堡里举办的梦幻婚礼。
- She spent years working towards the pinnacle of her career, and it finally paid off. 她花了多年的时间努力追求事业的巅峰,最终得到了回报。
- He felt a sense of accomplishment when he stood at the pinnacle of the mountain and looked down at the breathtaking view below. 当他站在山顶上,俯视着下面惊人的景色时,他感到一种成就感。
- Reaching the pinnacle of success is a lifelong journey that requires dedication and perseverance. 达到成功的巅峰是一段需要奉献和毅力的终身旅程。