1. wail的形容词含义:
- 哀号的;号哭的(表示强烈的悲痛或不满)。
1. wail的名词含义:
- 悲鸣声;哀号声。
- wail与cry的区别在于wail更强调声音的高亢和激动,更多用于描述悲痛或不满的声音。而cry更普遍地表示哭泣或呼喊。
- wail与howl的区别在于wail更多指人的悲鸣声,而howl更多指狼或风等发出的长嚎声。
- wailing:n. 悲鸣;哀号
- wailer:n. 哭喊者;号啕大哭的人
- wailful:adj. 悲鸣的;哀号的
- cry:v. 哭泣,呼喊
- weep:v. 哭泣,流泪
- mourn:v. 哀悼,悲痛
- laugh:v. 笑,大笑
柯林斯词典解释(Collins Dictionary)
1. wail (verb)
- If you wail, you make long, high-pitched cries that express sorrow or pain.
例句:The women began to wail in mourning.
2. wail (noun)
- A wail is a long, high-pitched cry that expresses sorrow or pain.
例句:The sound of the wail could be heard from miles away.
牛津词典解释(Oxford Dictionary)
1. wail (verb)
- Give a cry of pain, grief, or anger.
例句:The child began to wail when his ice cream fell on the ground.
2. wail (noun)
- A prolonged high-pitched cry of pain, grief, or anger.
例句:The wail of the sirens filled the air.
- 他们听到一声哀号,发现了受伤的小狗。
- They heard a wail and discovered the injured puppy.
- 孩子们的哭声在整个屋子里回荡。
- The children's wails echoed throughout the room.
- 她在悲痛中号啕大哭。
- She wailed in grief.
- 他们悲鸣着抱在一起。
- They clung together, wailing.
- 婴儿的哭声越来越大,妈妈赶紧过去安抚。
- The baby's wail grew louder, and the mother rushed to comfort him.
- 空中充满了警报器的哀鸣声。
- The air was filled with the wail of sirens.
- 当她听到悲伤的消息时,她放声大哭。
- When she heard the sad news, she let out a wail.
- 悲鸣声在山谷中回荡。
- The wail echoed through the valley.
- 他们听到了一声哀号,迅速赶到事故现场。
- They heard a wail and quickly rushed to the scene of the accident.
- 小孩子开始哭闹,发出高亢的悲鸣声。
- The child started to wail, emitting high-pitched cries.
- 她聚精会神地演奏着小提琴,发出美妙的悲鸣声。
- She played the violin with great concentration, producing beautiful wails.
- 在葬礼上,亲友们发出了哀伤的悲鸣声。
- At the funeral, friends and family emitted mournful wails.
- 岩石上回荡着海鸟的悲鸣声。
- The wails of seagulls echoed off the rocks.
- 他悲痛地大声哭喊。
- He wailed loudly in sorrow.
- 夜晚的风声像是一阵阵哀号。
- The sound of the wind at night was like a wail.
- 他们听到了一个女子的悲鸣声,赶紧跑去看看发生了什么。
- They heard a woman's wail and hurried to see what had happened.
- 他们遥远地听到了一声哀号,但无法确定是谁发出的。
- They heard a distant wail but couldn't determine who made it.
- 她悲痛地号啕大哭,无法停止。
- She wailed in grief, unable to stop.
- 孩子发出尖锐的悲鸣声,吸引了母亲的注意。
- The child emitted a sharp wail, catching the attention of the mother.
- 他们在夜晚的黑暗中听到了一个可怕的悲鸣声。
- They heard a horrifying wail in the darkness of the night.
- 他们听到了一声尖锐的哭声,原来是猫咪被困在树上。
- They heard a shrill cry, only to find a cat trapped in a tree.