wear-resistant /wɛər rɪˈzɪstənt/中文翻译
耐磨的(nàimó de)名词(Noun)
wear resistance /wɛər rɪˈzɪstəns/中文翻译
耐磨性(nàimó xìng)词义解析
1. 形容词:指材料、表面涂层等具有抵抗磨损的特性。
2. 名词:指材料、产品等的抵抗磨损的能力或特性。
wear-resistant 通常用于形容材料、涂层等的特性,强调其抵抗磨损的能力。
wear resistance 通常用于描述材料、产品等的特性,强调其抵抗磨损的能力或表现。
1. 磨损(wear and tear)
2. 耐用(durable)
3. 耐磨性能(wear performance)
4. 抗磨性(abrasion resistance)
5. 耐久性(longevity)
6. 耐磨测试(wear test)
7. 磨损机理(wear mechanism)
8. 磨损试验(wear test)
9. 磨损速率(wear rate)
10. 磨损表面(worn surface)
1. abrasion-resistant
2. enduring
3. tough
4. hard-wearing
5. resilient
1. non-wear-resistant
2. fragile
3. delicate
4. easily worn
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
wear-resistance (noun): the ability of a material, surface, etc. to resist wear or erosion caused by friction
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
wear-resistant (adjective): capable of withstanding wear, erosion, or decay
1. This coating provides excellent wear resistance.(这种涂层具有出色的耐磨性。)
2. The new material is highly wear-resistant.(这种新材料具有很高的耐磨性。)
3. The wear resistance of the tires is impressive.(轮胎的耐磨性令人印象深刻。)
4. These shoes are known for their wear-resistant soles.(这些鞋以其耐磨的鞋底而闻名。)
- This watch has a wear-resistant sapphire crystal.(这款手表采用了耐磨的蓝宝石水晶)。
- The car's wear resistance is greatly improved with the new alloy wheels.(新合金轮毂大大提高了这辆汽车的耐磨性)。
- The wear-resistant coating on the kitchen countertop prevents scratches.(厨房台面上的耐磨涂层可以防止划痕)。
- The engineer designed a wear-resistant material for the machine parts.(工程师为机器零件设计了一种耐磨材料)。
- The company's product line includes various wear-resistant textiles.(该公司的产品线包括各种耐磨纺织品)。
- These shoes are made with wear-resistant materials for long-lasting durability.(这些鞋子采用耐磨材料制成,耐久性强)。
- The wear resistance of this flooring is exceptional.(这种地板的耐磨性能出色)。
- The wear resistance of the tires is tested under various road conditions.(轮胎的耐磨性在各种道路条件下进行测试)。
- The company specializes in producing wear-resistant ceramics for industrial use.(该公司专门生产工业用耐磨陶瓷)。
- The new material has excellent wear resistance and is suitable for heavy-duty applications.(这种新材料具有出色的耐磨性,适用于重载应用)。
- The wear-resistant coating on the lens protects it from scratches.(镜片上的耐磨涂层可以保护它不被刮花)。
- The backpack is made of wear-resistant fabric to withstand outdoor adventures.(这个背包采用耐磨面料制成,可以经受户外冒险)。
- The wear resistance of the brake pads is crucial for safe driving.(刹车片的耐磨性对安全驾驶至关重要)。
- The company is known for its quality products with excellent wear resistance.(该公司以其具有出色耐磨性的优质产品而闻名)。
- The wear-resistant surface of the road reduces tire wear and improves fuel efficiency.(道路的耐磨表面减少了轮胎磨损,提高了燃油效率)。
- The wear-resistant properties of the material make it suitable for use in high-traffic areas.(该材料的耐磨特性使其适用于高交通区域)。
- Regular maintenance can help maintain the wear resistance of the equipment.(定期维护有助于保持设备的耐磨性)。
- The company invested in research and development to improve the wear resistance of their products.(该公司投资于研发,以提高其产品的耐磨性)。
- The wear-resistant nature of the material ensures its longevity in harsh environments.(材料的耐磨性保证了在恶劣环境中的使用寿命)。
- The wear resistance of the coating is tested using specialized equipment.(使用专门设备测试涂层的耐磨性)。