1. 疲倦的;厌烦的:
wearying (adj. 疲倦的;令人厌烦的)
wearyingly (adv. 疲倦地;厌倦地)
exhausted, fatigued, worn out, drained
energetic, refreshed, invigorated
Weary means very tired or bored, especially as a result of too much of something.
Weary means feeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion or lack of sleep; bored or impatient with something because you have seen or heard it many times before.
1. 疲乏;厌倦:
1. He looked weary after a long day at work.
2. She grew weary of his constant complaints.
1. The journey had left me with a deep weariness.
2. A weariness settled over her as she listened to the same old arguments.
- After a long day of hiking, I felt weary and could hardly walk another step. (在长时间的徒步旅行后,我感到疲倦,几乎走不动了。)
- The monotonous work made him weary. (单调的工作让他感到厌倦。)
- I'm too weary to go out tonight. (我太累了,今晚不想出去。)
- She showed signs of weariness as she listened to the same story for the hundredth time. (她听了第一百次相同的故事后显得厌倦。)
- His constant complaining filled me with a sense of weariness. (他不停地抱怨让我感到厌烦。)
- Despite his weary legs, he pushed himself to finish the marathon. (尽管腿已疲倦,他还是坚持跑完了马拉松。)
- She let out a weary sigh and closed her eyes. (她发出一声疲倦的叹息,闭上了眼睛。)
- The weary traveler finally arrived at his destination. (疲惫的旅行者终于到达了目的地。)
- He had a weary smile on his face, showing the toll of his long journey. (他脸上露出疲倦的微笑,显示出漫长旅途的疲惫。)
- She gazed out the window with a look of weariness. (她凝视着窗外,面带疲倦的表情。)
- The weariness in her voice was evident as she spoke about her long day at work. (她谈起工作的漫长一天时,声音中的疲惫感显而易见。)
- He tried to hide his weary eyes behind sunglasses. (他试图用墨镜掩饰疲倦的双眼。)
- She let out a weary laugh, tired of the same old jokes. (她发出一声厌倦的笑声,对那些老掉牙的笑话感到厌倦。)
- The wearying hours of waiting seemed endless. (漫长的等待时间令人厌倦,似乎没有尽头。)
- The weariness of the long winter started to lift as spring approached. (随着春天的临近,漫长的冬季的疲乏感开始减轻。)
- He wearyingly repeated the same instructions over and over. (他厌倦地一遍又一遍地重复相同的指示。)
- She felt a deep weariness settle in her bones after the exhausting workout. (在筋疲力尽的锻炼后,她感到一种深深的疲倦感在骨头里沉淀下来。)
- The constant noise of the city filled him with a sense of weariness. (城市的持续噪音让他感到厌倦。)
- He expressed his weary frustration with the slow progress of the project. (他对项目进展缓慢表达了厌倦的沮丧情绪。)
- The wearying routine of everyday life can sometimes feel monotonous. (日复一日的生活常规有时会让人感到单调乏味。)