webmaster [noun]
- 【计算机】网站管理员
webmasterly [adjective]
- 【计算机】网站管理员的,与网站管理员有关的
webmaster [noun]
- 【计算机】网站管理员
- 【计算机】网站主
- 【计算机】网管
webmaster、web designer和web developer都与网站相关,但含义有所不同:
- webmaster: 网站管理员,负责网站的运营、维护和管理。
- web designer: 网页设计师,负责设计网站的外观和用户体验。
- web developer: 网站开发人员,负责编写网站的代码和功能。
- web hosting: 网站托管
- website: 网站
- webpage: 网页
- HTML: 超文本标记语言
- CSS: 层叠样式表
- JavaScript: JavaScript
- SEO: 搜索引擎优化
- 【计算机】网站管理员
- 【计算机】网站主
- 【计算机】网管
webmaster [noun]
- A webmaster is a person who creates and manages the content and organization of a website, especially one for a company or organization.
- A webmaster is a person who is responsible for the technical aspects of running a website.
webmaster [noun]
- A person responsible for designing and maintaining a website.
- The webmaster is in charge of updating the website's content.
- The company hired a professional webmaster to improve their online presence.
- As a webmaster, you need to ensure that the website is running smoothly.
- The webmaster implemented new features to enhance user experience.
- He has been working as a webmaster for several years and has extensive knowledge of website management.
- The webmaster updated the site's design to make it more user-friendly. (网站管理员更新了网站的设计,使其更加用户友好。)
- Our webmaster is responsible for maintaining the website's server. (我们的网站管理员负责维护网站的服务器。)
- The webmaster optimized the website for search engines. (网站管理员优化了网站以适应搜索引擎。)
- She hired a webmaster to build an e-commerce website for her business. (她雇了一个网站管理员为她的企业建立一个电子商务网站。)
- The webmaster regularly checks for broken links on the website. (网站管理员定期检查网站上的链接是否失效。)
- As a webmaster, he is skilled in HTML and CSS coding. (作为一个网站管理员,他精通HTML和CSS编码。)
- The webmaster implemented a responsive design to ensure the website looks good on all devices. (网站管理员采用了响应式设计,确保网站在所有设备上都能良好显示。)
- Our webmaster is available 24/7 to address any technical issues with the website. (我们的网站管理员全天候为您解决网站的任何技术问题。)
- The webmaster monitors website traffic and analyzes user behavior. (网站管理员监控网站流量并分析用户行为。)
- She learned web development and became a webmaster for a popular blog. (她学习了网站开发,成为了一家知名博客的网站管理员。)
- Our webmaster implemented security measures to protect the website from cyber attacks. (我们的网站管理员采取了安全措施,保护网站免受网络攻击。)
- The webmaster optimized the website's loading speed to provide a better user experience. (网站管理员优化了网站的加载速度,提供更好的用户体验。)
- The webmaster regularly updates the website's content to keep it fresh and relevant. (网站管理员定期更新网站内容,使其保持新鲜和相关。)
- He started as a webmaster for a small online business and later became the company's IT manager. (他从一家小型在线业务的网站管理员开始,后来成为了该公司的IT经理。)
- The webmaster is responsible for maintaining the website's database and ensuring data security. (网站管理员负责维护网站的数据库并确保数据安全。)
- Our webmaster implemented an effective SEO strategy to improve the website's search engine rankings. (我们的网站管理员采用了有效的SEO策略,提高了网站在搜索引擎中的排名。)
- The webmaster redesigned the website's navigation menu for better usability. (网站管理员重新设计了网站的导航菜单,以提供更好的可用性。)
- She attended a web design course to enhance her skills as a webmaster. (她参加了一门网页设计课程,提升自己作为网站管理员的技能。)
- The webmaster collaborated with the marketing team to create engaging content for the website. (网站管理员与营销团队合作,为网站创建有吸引力的内容。)
- Our webmaster is responsible for troubleshooting any technical issues with the website. (我们的网站管理员负责解决网站的任何技术问题。)