1. 网络工作的;在线工作的
英文释义:relating to work, tasks, or activities that are done online or using the internet.
- She is responsible for webwork tasks such as updating the company's website and managing social media accounts.(她负责网络工作,如更新公司网站和管理社交媒体账号。)
- Many people now prefer webwork opportunities that offer flexible working hours.(现在许多人更喜欢提供灵活工作时间的在线工作机会。)
1. 网络作业;网上作业
英文释义:homework or assignments that are completed online or via the internet.
- The teacher assigned webwork for the students to complete before the next class.(老师布置了网上作业,要求学生在下一节课前完成。)
- Webwork allows students to submit their assignments electronically and receive immediate feedback.(网上作业允许学生通过电子方式提交作业并获得即时反馈。)
online work, internet-based tasks
offline work, traditional tasks
Webwork can refer to both the adjective form describing tasks or activities done online, as well as the noun form referring to homework or assignments completed via the internet.
- She is responsible for webwork tasks such as updating the company's website and managing social media accounts.
- Many people now prefer webwork opportunities that offer flexible working hours.
- The teacher assigned webwork for the students to complete before the next class.
- Webwork allows students to submit their assignments electronically and receive immediate feedback.
- I have a lot of webwork to complete tonight.
- He struggled with the webwork assignment and sought help from his classmates.
- Webwork has made it easier for remote workers to collaborate on projects.
- The company offers webwork positions for those who prefer to work from home.
- She enjoys the freedom of webwork as it allows her to travel while still completing her tasks.
- Webwork platforms provide a range of online courses and assignments.
- The webwork module is an essential component of the online learning program.
- Completing webwork assignments requires strong internet connectivity.
- Webwork has revolutionized the way students engage with their coursework.
- He dedicated several hours each day to his webwork responsibilities.
- Webwork offers the convenience of accessing resources and submitting assignments from anywhere.
- The webwork system automatically grades assignments and provides immediate feedback.
- Webwork has become an integral part of distance learning programs.
- The webwork platform experienced technical difficulties, causing delays in assignment submissions.
- She found it challenging to balance her webwork and offline responsibilities.
- Webwork has expanded employment opportunities for individuals with internet skills.
- The webwork component of the course accounted for a significant portion of the final grade.