1. 狡猾的
2. 凶狠的
1. 狼獾
2. 美洲狼獾
3. 狼獾皮
1. 狼獾 vs 狼:狼獾是一种大型肉食性哺乳动物,与犬科动物狼不同。
2. 狼獾 vs 獾:狼獾是狼獾科动物中的一种,獾则是独立的科。
1. Wolverine claw(狼獾爪)
2. Wolverine habitat(狼獾栖息地)
3. Wolverine population(狼獾种群)
1. carcajou
2. glutton
3. skunk bear
1. herbivore(草食动物)
2. peaceful(和平的)
Wolverine:A wolverine is a small animal that looks like a small bear and has thick fur and sharp claws. Wolverines live in cold northern parts of Europe, Asia, and North America.
Wolverine:A heavily built short-legged carnivorous mammal with a shaggy dark coat and a bushy tail, native to the tundra and forests of arctic and subarctic regions.
1. The wolverine is known for its strength and ferocity.
2. He encountered a wolverine while hiking in the mountains.
1. She had a wolverine look on her face, ready to fight.
2. The wolverine nature of the negotiations made it difficult to reach an agreement.
- The wolverine is a solitary animal, known for its ability to take down prey larger than itself.(狼獾是一种独居的动物,以能够捕食比自身体型更大的猎物而闻名。)
- After hours of tracking, they finally spotted a wolverine in the distance.(追踪了几个小时后,他们终于在远处发现了一只狼獾。)
- His wolverine attitude made it difficult for others to trust him.(他的狡猾态度让别人很难信任他。)
- The wolverine population in this area has been declining due to habitat loss.(由于栖息地的丧失,该地区的狼獾种群一直在减少。)
- She wore a wolverine fur coat to keep warm in the winter.(她穿着一件狼獾皮大衣来御寒。)
- The wolverine claw marks on the tree indicated its presence in the area.(树上的狼獾爪痕表明了它在该地区的存在。)
- The wolverine is often referred to as the "skunk bear" due to its strong odor.(由于它的强烈气味,狼獾通常被称为“臭熊”。)
- Despite its small size, the wolverine is a fierce and formidable predator.(尽管体型较小,狼獾却是一种凶猛而可怕的捕食者。)
- The wolverine's habitat extends across the arctic and subarctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere.(狼獾的栖息地遍布北半球的北极和亚北极地区。)
- He has the strength and tenacity of a wolverine, never giving up in the face of adversity.(他有着狼獾般的力量和坚韧,面对困境从不放弃。)
- She fought like a wolverine, defending herself against her attackers.(她像狼獾一样战斗,保护自己免受攻击者的伤害。)
- The wolverine's sharp claws enable it to climb trees and dig into the ground.(狼獾锋利的爪子使其能够攀爬树木和在地面上挖掘。)
- The wolverine's fur provides excellent insulation in the cold Arctic climate.(狼獾的毛皮在寒冷的北极气候中提供了良好的保温效果。)
- He has a wolverine-like ability to survive in extreme conditions.(他有着狼獾一样在极端环境中生存的能力。)
- The wolverine's diet consists mainly of meat, including carrion and small mammals.(狼獾的饮食主要包括肉类,包括腐肉和小型哺乳动物。)
- The wolverine is known for its ability to defend its territory against larger predators.(狼獾以能够保卫领地免受更大的捕食者侵犯而闻名。)
- She had the fierce determination of a wolverine, never backing down from a challenge.(她有着狼獾一样的坚定决心,从不在面对挑战时退缩。)
- The wolverine's strong jaws allow it to crush bones and tough prey.(狼獾强大的颚部使其能够咬碎骨头和坚韧的猎物。)
- The wolverine is a nocturnal animal, often active during the night.(狼獾是一种夜行性动物,通常在夜间活动。)
- Despite its reputation as a fierce and aggressive animal, the wolverine is not known to attack humans unprovoked.(尽管狼獾以凶猛和攻击性的动物闻名,但并未听说它会无缘无故袭击人类。)