中英词典- wristwatch
wristwatch [ˈrɪstˌwɒtʃ]- 手表
wristwatch [ˈrɪstˌwɒtʃ]- 手表的
手表(wristwatch)是指佩戴在手腕上用于显示时间的装置。与之相关的词汇还包括:- watch [wɒtʃ] - 手表,用于指代各种类型的手表,包括腕表和口袋表
- timepiece [ˈtaɪmˌpis] - 计时器,泛指各种计时装置,包括手表、钟表等
- wristband [ˈrɪstˌbænd] - 手腕带
- chronograph [ˈkrɒnəˌɡrɑːf] - 计时器,特指具备计时功能的手表
- analog watch [ˈænəˌlɒɡ wɒtʃ] - 指针表,通过指针来显示时间的手表
- digital watch [ˈdɪdʒɪtl wɒtʃ] - 数字表,通过数字显示时间的手表
- wrist timepiece - 手腕计时器
- wrist chronometer - 手腕计时器
- wrist clock - 手腕时钟
- necklace watch - 项链表
- pocket watch - 口袋表
wristwatch [ˈrɪstˌwɒtʃ]- NOUN: A wristwatch is a watch that you wear on your wrist.
- ADJECTIVE: Wristwatch means relating to wristwatches.
wristwatch [ˈrɪstˌwɒtʃ]- NOUN: A watch worn on a strap around the wrist.
- I always wear a wristwatch to keep track of time. (我总是戴着手表来掌握时间。)
- She bought a new wristwatch as a birthday present. (她买了一块新手表作为生日礼物。)
- He glanced at his wristwatch and realized he was late for the meeting. (他看了一眼手表,意识到他已经迟到了。)
- She received a beautiful wristwatch as an anniversary gift from her husband. (她从丈夫那里收到了一块漂亮的手表作为结婚纪念日礼物。)
- The wristwatch stopped working after it fell on the ground. (手表在摔到地上后停止工作了。)
- He prefers wearing a digital watch because it is easier to read the time. (他更喜欢戴数字表,因为更容易读取时间。)
- She always wears a stylish wristwatch to complement her outfit. (她总是戴着一块时尚的手表来搭配她的服装。)
- The wristwatch has a leather strap and a stainless steel case. (这块手表有皮带和不锈钢表壳。)
- He forgot to wind up his wristwatch, so it stopped running. (他忘记给手表上发条,所以停止运行了。)
- The wristwatch has a water-resistant feature, allowing you to wear it while swimming. (这块手表具有防水功能,可以在游泳时佩戴。)
- She checked her wristwatch and noticed that it was already past midnight. (她查看了手表,发现已经过了午夜。)
- He received a gold-plated wristwatch as a retirement gift from his colleagues. (他收到了一块镀金手表作为同事们的退休礼物。)
- The wristwatch has a built-in alarm function, which can wake you up in the morning. (这块手表内置了闹钟功能,可以在早上叫醒你。)
- She accidentally dropped her wristwatch and it got scratched. (她不小心摔了手表,划痕了。)
- He glanced at his wristwatch and realized he still had some time before the appointment. (他看了一眼手表,意识到在约会前还有一些时间。)
- She decided to buy a new wristwatch to replace her old one. (她决定买一块新手表来替换旧的。)
- The wristwatch has a backlight feature, making it easy to read in the dark. (这块手表具有背光功能,在黑暗中容易读取。)
- He received a luxury wristwatch as a prize for winning the competition. (他因赢得比赛而获得了一块豪华手表作为奖品。)
- She carefully adjusted the time on her wristwatch to match the official clock. (她仔细调整手表的时间,使其与官方时钟一致。)
- The wristwatch has a GPS function, allowing you to track your location during outdoor activities. (这块手表具有GPS功能,可以在户外活动中跟踪你的位置。)
- He accidentally left his wristwatch at home and felt lost without it. (他不小心把手表忘在家里,感觉没有它就失去了方向感。)
- She received a vintage wristwatch as a family heirloom from her grandmother. (她从祖母那里收到了一块复古手表作为家传之宝。)
- The wristwatch has a scratch-resistant glass, ensuring its durability. (这块手表具有耐刮花玻璃,确保其耐用性。)