1. 名词
writh (名词):a twisting or contorted motion or position; a writhing movement.
- He was in agony, unable to keep still, his body in a constant writh of pain.
- 他痛苦不已,无法保持静止,身体不断地翻滚着。
2. 形容词
writh (形容词):twisted or contorted.
- The writh branches of the old tree formed eerie shapes in the moonlight.
- 老树的扭曲枝条在月光下形成了诡异的形状。
3. 动词
writh (动词):make continual twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body.
- The injured snake began to writh on the ground in an attempt to escape.
- 受伤的蛇开始在地上扭动,试图逃跑。
writh 和其他相关词汇的区别:
1. wriggle: to twist and turn with quick wriggling movements; often used to describe small, wiggling movements.
2. squirm: to twist and turn, especially when feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable; often used to describe restless or uneasy movements.
3. contort: to twist or bend out of the normal shape; often used to describe extreme or unnatural twisting movements.
1. writhing (名词):the action of twisting or contorting.
2. twist (动词):to cause to rotate around something; to turn or bend.
3. contortion (名词):the state of being twisted or bent out of the normal shape.
4. squirming (形容词):making twisting or wriggling movements.
1. writhe
2. twist
3. squirm
4. contort
1. still
2. straighten
3. relax
4. unbend
- to twist or squirm in or as if in pain
- to move with such motions
- a twisting or squirming motion or action
- make continual twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body
- a twisting or contorted motion or position; a writhing movement
- The injured snake began to writh on the ground.
- He writhed in pain as the doctor examined his wound.
- The dancers writhed to the beat of the music.
- She couldn't help but writh in her seat during the awkward silence.
- He was in agony, unable to keep still, his body in a constant writh of pain. (他痛苦不已,无法保持静止,身体不断地翻滚着。)
- The writh branches of the old tree formed eerie shapes in the moonlight. (老树的扭曲枝条在月光下形成了诡异的形状。)
- The injured snake began to writh on the ground in an attempt to escape. (受伤的蛇开始在地上扭动,试图逃跑。)
- The toddler giggled as she tried to writh out of her mother's grasp. (小孩子笑着试图挣脱妈妈的抓握。)
- He couldn't help but writh in embarrassment as his friends teased him. (朋友们取笑他,他不禁感到尴尬而扭动身体。)
- The snake writhed and slithered through the grass, trying to find a hiding spot. (蛇在草丛中扭动着、蠕动着,试图寻找一个藏身之处。)
- The dancer's body writhed and contorted in a mesmerizing performance. (舞者的身体在令人着迷的表演中扭动和扭曲。)
- The injured animal writhed in pain as it tried to stand up. (受伤的动物在痛苦中扭动着,试图站起来。)
- The spectators watched in horror as the gymnast writhed and twisted in mid-air. (观众们惊恐地看着体操运动员在空中扭动和扭曲。)
- The patient's face contorted in pain as he writhed on the hospital bed. (病人在医院床上扭动着,面容因疼痛而扭曲。)
- She couldn't sleep, her mind writhing with worry and anxiety. (她无法入睡,心中充满了担忧和焦虑。)
- The snake's writhing movements made it difficult to capture. (蛇扭动的动作使得它难以捕捉。)
- He watched the writhing of the stormy sea from the safety of the shore. (他从岸边的安全位置看着海上的翻腾。)
- The child couldn't stop twisting and writhing in his seat during the long car ride. (孩子在长途车程中无法停止在座位上扭动。)
- She squirmed and writhed uncomfortably in the stiff chair. (她在硬椅子上不舒服地扭动着。)
- The magician contorted his body into impossible positions, amazing the audience. (魔术师将身体扭曲成不可能的姿势,令观众惊叹。)
- The snake twisted and writhed as it tried to free itself from the trap. (蛇试图从陷阱中挣脱,扭动着身体。)
- The baby squirmed and writhed in her mother's arms, wanting to be put down. (婴儿在妈妈的怀里扭动着,想要放下。)
- His face contorted in pain as he twisted and writhed on the ground. (他在地上扭动着,面容因疼痛而扭曲。)
- The snake squirmed and writhed in the snake catcher's grip. (蛇在蛇捕手的控制下扭动和蠕动。)
- The gymnast's body twisted and writhed in mid-air, executing a perfect somersault. (体操运动员的身体在空中扭动和扭曲,完成了一个完美的翻筋斗。)