1. writer的形容词形式
1. writer的名词复数形式
2. 作家;文学家
3. 笔者;写作人员
1. playwrights:剧作家
2. novelists:小说家
3. poets:诗人
4. journalists:记者
5. essayists:散文家
authors, scribes, creators
readers, audience
writers (名词)
1. 作家;文学家
2. 笔者;写作人员
writers (名词)
1. 作家;文学家
2. 笔者;写作人员
1. 作为名词时,writers常用作复数形式,指代多个作家或写作人员。
2. 作为名词时,writers可以泛指各类文学创作者,如小说家、诗人、剧作家等。
3. 作为名词时,writers还可以指代在某一领域或特定主题下进行写作的人员,如科技作家、旅行作家等。
4. 作为名词时,writers也可以指代文学作品的作者。
5. 作为名词时,writers可以指代任何从事写作工作的人员,如广告撰稿人、报告撰写人等。
- Many famous writers have been inspired by nature's beauty. 许多著名的作家都受到大自然美丽的启发。
- She is one of the most influential writers of our time. 她是我们这个时代最有影响力的作家之一。
- The writers of the screenplay won an award for their exceptional work. 剧本的作者因其杰出的工作而获奖。
- Aspiring writers should read extensively to improve their craft. 有志成为作家的人应该广泛阅读以提高写作技巧。
- There are many talented writers in this writing workshop. 在这个写作研讨会上有许多有才华的作家。
- The writers of the report provided detailed analysis and recommendations. 报告的作者提供了详细的分析和建议。
- Some writers prefer to work in solitude, while others thrive in collaborative environments. 有些作家喜欢独自工作,而另一些则在合作环境中蓬勃发展。
- These writers have a unique ability to captivate readers with their storytelling. 这些作家有着独特的能力用故事吸引读者。
- Great writers have the power to evoke strong emotions through their words. 伟大的作家有通过文字唤起强烈情感的力量。
- Some writers find inspiration in everyday life, while others draw from their own experiences. 有些作家从日常生活中寻找灵感,而另一些则从自己的经历中汲取。
- The writers of this book delve deep into the complexities of human relationships. 这本书的作者深入探讨了人际关系的复杂性。
- Successful writers often have a distinctive writing style that sets them apart. 成功的作家通常有独特的写作风格使他们与众不同。
- Many writers struggle with writer's block at some point in their career. 许多作家在职业生涯的某个阶段都会遇到写作困境。
- The writers of this TV series have created compelling characters that resonate with the audience. 这个电视剧的作者创造了引人入胜的角色,与观众产生共鸣。
- These writers have been praised for their ability to tackle complex themes in their works. 这些作家因其在作品中处理复杂主题的能力而受到赞扬。
- Many aspiring writers dream of seeing their name on the cover of a published book. 许多有志成为作家的人梦想着在出版的书籍封面上看到自己的名字。
- Some writers prefer to write longhand, while others prefer to type on a computer. 有些作家喜欢书写,而另一些则更偏好在电脑上打字。
- These writers have the ability to transport readers to different worlds through their vivid descriptions. 这些作家通过生动的描述能够将读者带入不同的世界。
- Many writers find solace and inspiration in nature's beauty. 许多作家在大自然的美丽中找到慰藉和灵感。
- The writers of this blog cover a wide range of topics, from travel to food to fashion. 这个博客的作者涵盖了广泛的主题,从旅行到食物再到时尚。