1. 名词
a. 缩写:2. 形容词
a. 缩写:3. 词语辨析
a. Waste Treatment System (废物处理系统)与Willing to Sell (愿意出售): Waste Treatment System是指处理废物的系统,而Willing to Sell则表示愿意出售某物。4. 词汇扩充
a. 其他与WTS有关的缩写:5. 近义词
Waste Treatment System的近义词包括:Waste Management System (废物管理系统)、Waste Disposal System (废物处理系统)。6. 反义词
Waste Treatment System没有明确的反义词。7. 柯林斯词典
WTS在柯林斯词典中没有单独收录。8. 牛津词典
WTS在牛津词典中没有单独收录。9. 用法
WTS作为名词缩写时表示废物处理系统或无线电话服务;作为形容词缩写时表示愿意出售或想要出售。10. 相关例句
- The company installed a new WTS to manage the waste generated by its production process. (该公司安装了一个新的废物处理系统来处理其生产过程中产生的废物。)
- He is looking to buy a used car, but I am WTS my old one. (他想买一辆二手车,但我想卖掉我的旧车。)
- The WTS provided by the telecom company has excellent coverage and sound quality. (电信公司提供的无线电话服务覆盖范围广,声音质量优秀。)
- They are willing to invest in a new WTS for their manufacturing facility. (他们愿意为他们的制造设施投资新的废物处理系统。)
- She wants to sell her old furniture, so she put up an ad saying "WTS: Used Furniture". (她想卖掉她的旧家具,所以她发布了一则广告写着“想出售:二手家具”。)
- The company is upgrading its WTS to comply with the latest environmental regulations. (该公司正在升级其废物处理系统以符合最新的环境法规。)
- WTS is an essential component of any industrial facility. (废物处理系统是任何工业设施的重要组成部分。)
- They are considering outsourcing their WTS to a specialized company. (他们正在考虑将他们的废物处理系统外包给一家专业公司。)
- The WTS project aims to reduce the environmental impact of the company's operations. (废物处理系统项目旨在减少公司运营对环境的影响。)
- WTS is crucial for proper waste management in urban areas. (废物处理系统对于城市地区的垃圾管理至关重要。)
- He found a buyer for his car quickly because his ad said "WTS: Low Mileage, Excellent Condition". (他很快找到了一位买家,因为他的广告上写着“想卖:低里程数,品相极好”。)
- The WTS installed in the building efficiently handles all the waste from the tenants. (建筑物中安装的废物处理系统高效处理了租户的所有垃圾。)
- The WTS industry is projected to experience significant growth in the coming years. (预计未来几年废物处理系统行业将经历显著增长。)
- WTS is a cost-effective solution for managing industrial waste. (废物处理系统是管理工业废物的经济有效解决方案。)
- They are willing to pay a premium for a top-notch WTS that meets their specific requirements. (他们愿意为符合他们特定要求的一流废物处理系统支付高额费用。)
- WTS is an integral part of sustainable waste management practices. (废物处理系统是可持续废物管理实践的重要组成部分。)
- The company is selling its old office equipment, and the ad says "WTS: Desks, Chairs, and Cabinets". (该公司正在出售其旧办公设备,广告上写着“想出售:办公桌、椅子和柜子”。)
- The WTS has been designed to handle a wide range of waste materials. (废物处理系统经过设计,可处理多种废物材料。)
- They are looking for a reliable WTS provider to manage their industrial waste. (他们正在寻找一家可靠的废物处理系统供应商来处理他们的工业废物。)
- WTS plays a crucial role in reducing the environmental impact of industrial activities. (废物处理系统在减少工业活动对环境的影响方面起着至关重要的作用。)