wunderbar /ˈvʊndərˌbɑːr/【德】 1. 极好的,绝妙的。2. 奇妙的,神奇的。
Wunderkind /ˈvʊndərkɪnd/【德】 1. 神童,奇才。2. 早熟的人,天才儿童。
形容词和名词的不同含义:- 形容词"wunderbar"指的是"极好的,绝妙的"或"奇妙的,神奇的"。
- 名词"Wunderkind"指的是"神童,奇才"或"早熟的人,天才儿童"。
- 动词:"wundern",表示"惊奇"或"感到奇怪"。- 名词:"Wunderjahr",指的是"奇妙的一年"或"成功的一年"。
1. 形容词:- 奇异的(strange)
- 不可思议的(incredible)
- 神奇的(magical)
2. 名词:
- 天才(genius)
- 奇才(prodigy)
1. 形容词:- 平凡的(ordinary)
- 普通的(common)
2. 名词:
- 平庸的人(mediocrity)
- 普通人(commoner)
Wunderkind (ˈvʊndəkɪnd)名词
1. a child prodigy
2. a person who achieves great success or acclaim at an early age
Wunderkind /ˈvʊndərkɪnd/ (德语)名词
1. a person who achieves great success, especially in music or another artistic pursuit, at a young age.
- 形容词"wunderbar"常用于描述事物或情况非常好、令人赞叹的情况。- 名词"Wunderkind"常用于形容年轻时就取得极大成功、成为天才或奇才的人。
- 动词"wundern"常用于表达对某事的惊奇或感到奇怪。
- 名词"Wunderjahr"常用于描述一个充满奇迹或成功的一年。
1. His performance was wunderbar, the audience was in awe.(他的演出非常出色,观众都惊叹不已。) 2. This book is wunderbar, you should definitely read it.(这本书非常好,你一定要读一读。) 3. The magician performed wunderbar tricks that left the audience amazed.(那位魔术师表演了令人惊叹的神奇戏法。) 4. The little girl is a Wunderkind, playing the piano like a professional.(那个小女孩是个神童,在钢琴上弹奏得像个专业人士。) 5. Mozart was a famous Wunderkind, composing music at the age of five.(莫扎特是个著名的神童,五岁就开始作曲。) 6. She's a Wunderkind in the field of mathematics, solving complex problems effortlessly.(她是数学领域的奇才,在解决复杂问题时毫不费力。) 7. I can't help but wundern why he made such a decision.(我不禁想知道他为什么做出这样的决定。) 8. The Wunderjahr of his career was 2010 when he won multiple awards.(他事业的奇妙一年是2010年,当时他获得了多个奖项。) 9. His achievements at such a young age make him a true Wunderkind.(他在如此年轻的时候取得的成就使他成为真正的天才。) 10. The show was wunderbar with its stunning visuals and captivating performances.(这个节目非常精彩,视觉效果惊人,表演吸引人。)(以下是补充的例句)
11. The artist's use of color in this painting is wunderbar.(这幅画中艺术家运用的色彩非常出色。) 12. The Wunderkind impressed everyone with his incredible piano skills.(这个神童以他令人难以置信的钢琴技巧给大家留下了深刻印象。) 13. The magic show was full of wunderbar illusions.(魔术表演充满了奇妙的幻象。) 14. The Wunderkind composer's symphony was a masterpiece.(这位神童作曲家的交响乐是一部杰作。) 15. She was wunderbar at solving complex mathematical problems.(她在解决复杂的数学问题时非常出色。) 16. The Wunderkind painter's artwork was exhibited in galleries around the world.(这位神童画家的作品在世界各地的画廊展出。) 17. The unexpected twist in the plot wunderbarly surprised the audience.(情节中的意外转折令观众感到非常惊讶。) 18. The young singer's performance was wunderbar, capturing the hearts of the audience.(这位年轻歌手的表演非常出色,抓住了观众的心。) 19. The Wunderkind scientist made groundbreaking discoveries at a young age.(这位神童科学家在年轻时就做出了开创性的发现。) 20. The book tells the story of a Wunderkind chef who revolutionized the culinary world.(这本书讲述了一位改变了烹饪界的神童厨师的故事。)