1. 有皱纹的 - adjective: wrinkled - The old man had a wrinkly face. (那个老人脸上有皱纹。) 2. 皱巴巴的 - adjective: crinkled - The wrinkly shirt needed to be ironed. (那件皱巴巴的衬衫需要熨烫。)名词
1. 有皱纹的人 - noun: someone with wrinkles - The skincare product is designed to reduce wrinkles for wrinklies. (这款护肤产品旨在减少皱纹,适用于有皱纹的人。)词语辨析
- wrinkly: 形容有皱纹的,专指物体或人的皮肤上的皱纹。 - crinkled: 形容皱巴巴的,主要用于形容物体表面的褶皱或纹理。 - creased: 形容有折痕的,指物体表面或纸张上的折痕。 - lined: 形容有细纹的,常用来描述物体表面或人的额头上的细纹。词汇扩充
- furrowed: adjective, 形容有犁沟状纹理的;verb, 使起皱纹。 - crumpled: adjective, 形容皱巴巴的,起皱的。 - saggy: adjective, 形容松弛下垂的,垂皱的。柯林斯词典
- adjective: having small lines or folds in the skin, often because of old age - noun: an old person牛津词典
- adjective: having a lot of small lines or folds in the surface - noun: (informal) an old person用法
- His wrinkly skin showed his old age. (他有皱纹的皮肤显露出他的老态。) - The wrinkly surface of the leather gave it a vintage look. (皮革表面的皱纹使其具有复古的外观。) - The baby's tiny fingers were wrinkly after being in the water for too long. (宝宝的小手指在水中泡得太久后变得皱皱的。)近义词
- wrinkled, crinkled, creased, lined, furrowed, crumpled, saggy反义词
- smooth, unlined, unwrinkled例句
- Her wrinkly hands showed the signs of aging. (她皱巴巴的双手显示出老化的迹象。)
- The old dog had a wrinkly face and a wagging tail. (那只老狗脸上有皱纹,尾巴一直摇摆着。)
- The wrinkly fabric gave the dress an interesting texture. (有皱纹的面料给裙子增添了有趣的质感。)
- The wrinkly leaves of the plant indicated that it needed more water. (植物的皱巴巴的叶子表明它需要更多水。)
- The wrinklies at the retirement home enjoyed playing cards together. (养老院里的老人们喜欢一起打牌。)
- My grandmother's wrinkly face told stories of her life. (奶奶有皱纹的脸讲述了她的人生故事。)
- The wrinkly old man sat on the park bench, feeding the birds. (那个皱纹纵横的老人坐在公园的长椅上喂鸟。)
- The baby's wrinkly fingers tightly grasped her mother's hand. (宝宝皱巴巴的手指紧紧抓住了妈妈的手。)
- The wrinkly shirt needed to be ironed before the meeting. (那件皱巴巴的衬衫在会议前需要熨烫。)
- She applied a wrinkle cream to her wrinkly forehead. (她在皱纹纵横的额头上涂抹了抗皱霜。)
- The wrinkly texture of the paper gave it a unique feel. (纸张的皱纹纹理赋予了它独特的触感。)
- The wrinkly old woman smiled warmly at the children. (那个皱纹纵横的老妇人对孩子们温暖地笑了笑。)
- He used a steam iron to remove the wrinkles from his wrinkly shirt. (他用蒸汽熨斗去除皱巴巴衬衫上的皱纹。)
- The wrinklies gathered at the community center to celebrate their birthdays. (老人们聚集在社区中心庆祝他们的生日。)
- The wrinkly fabric was difficult to sew because of its uneven surface. (由于面料表面不平,皱巴巴的布料很难缝制。)
- She hugged her wrinkly old dog tightly, giving it a gentle pat. (她紧紧地拥抱着她那只皱巴巴的老狗,温柔地拍了拍它。)
- The wrinkly appearance of the ancient statue added to its historical value. (古代雕像皱巴巴的外观增加了其历史价值。)
- The wrinkly leaves of the plant indicated that it needed more sunlight. (植物的皱巴巴的叶子表明它需要更多阳光。)
- She used a moisturizer to keep her skin from becoming wrinkly. (她使用保湿霜来防止皮肤变皱。)
- The wrinkly surface of the old photograph showed its age. (老照片的皱巴巴表面显示出它的年代。)
- With age, his skin became more and more wrinkly. (随着年龄的增长,他的皮肤变得越来越皱纹纵横。)