形容词1: 行道的;用于行走的
1. The sidewalk is a xingdao place for pedestrians.(人行道是行人行走的地方。)
2. The xingdao bridge is wide enough for both cars and pedestrians.(这座行道桥宽度足够容纳汽车和行人。)
形容词2: 行道的;符合行为规范的
1. The driver was given a ticket for xingdao behavior.(那个司机因为不守交通规则被开了一张罚单。)
2. We should always follow the xingdao code when using public facilities.(在使用公共设施时,我们应该始终遵守行道规范。)
名词1: 行道;人行道
1. The xingdao is crowded with people during rush hour.(高峰时段人行道上拥挤不堪。)
2. The city government plans to expand the xingdao to accommodate more pedestrians.(市政府计划扩建人行道,以容纳更多行人。)
名词2: 行为规范;行为准则
1. The school promotes good xingdao among its students.(学校倡导学生遵守良好的行为准则。)
2. The company has a strict xingdao policy to ensure a harmonious working environment.(公司有严格的行为规范政策,以确保和谐的工作环境。)
1. 行走(xíngzǒu):to walk
2. 移动(yídòng):to move
3. 踏上(tàshàng):to step on
4. 踩(cǎi):to step on
5. 走过(zǒuguò):to walk past
1. 步道(bùdào):footpath
2. 道路(dàolù):road
3. 步行者(bùxíngzhě):pedestrian
4. 行人(xíngrén):pedestrian
5. 行为(xíngwéi):behavior
1. 人行道(rénxíngdào):sidewalk
2. 脚道(jiǎodào):footpath
3. 步道(bùdào):footpath
4. 人行通道(rénxíng tōngdào):pedestrian walkway
5. 行人道(xíngrén dào):pedestrian path
1. 马路(mǎlù):road
2. 车道(chēdào):driving lane
3. 汽车道(qìchē dào):car lane
4. 自行车道(zìxíngchē dào):bicycle lane
5. 禁行道(jìnxíng dào):no-entry road
xingdao (名词)
1. 行道,人行道
xingdao (形容词)
1. 行道的;用于行走的
2. 行道的;符合行为规范的
xingdao (名词)
1. 行道
2. 行为规范
xingdao (形容词)
1. 行道的;用于行走的
2. 行道的;符合行为规范的
用法1: 行道作为名词时,通常指人行道。
1. The pedestrians walked on the xingdao to avoid the traffic.(行人走在人行道上以避开交通。)
用法2: 行道作为形容词时,可以修饰与行走、行为规范相关的词语。
1. We should always follow the xingdao rules when crossing the road.(过马路时我们应该始终遵守行人道规则。)
2. The school has a xingdao policy to promote polite behavior among students.(学校制定了一项行道政策,以促进学生之间的礼貌行为。)
1. The sidewalk is a xingdao place for pedestrians.(人行道是行人行走的地方。)
2. The xingdao bridge is wide enough for both cars and pedestrians.(这座行道桥宽度足够容纳汽车和行人。)
3. The driver was given a ticket for xingdao behavior.(那个司机因为不守交通规则被开了一张罚单。)
4. We should always follow the xingdao code when using public facilities.(在使用公共设施时,我们应该始终遵守行道规范。)
5. The xingdao is crowded with people during rush hour.(高峰时段人行道上拥挤不堪。)
6. The city government plans to expand the xingdao to accommodate more pedestrians.(市政府计划扩建人行道,以容纳更多行人。)
7. The school promotes good xingdao among its students.(学校倡导学生遵守良好的行为准则。)
8. The company has a strict xingdao policy to ensure a harmonious working environment.(公司有严格的行为规范政策,以确保和谐的工作环境。)
9. The xingdao in the city center is well-maintained and clean.(市中心的人行道维护良好,整洁干净。)
10. The new shopping mall has wide xingdao to accommodate a large number of shoppers.(新的购物中心有宽敞的人行道,以容纳大量购物者。)
11. The xingdao behavior of the students was praised by the teacher.(学生们的行为举止受到了老师的称赞。)
12. The city council plans to install more xingdao lights to improve pedestrian safety.(市政府计划安装更多的行人道灯以提高行人安全。)
13. The xingdao etiquette in this country is different from that in my home country.(这个国家的行人道礼仪与我的家乡国家不同。)
14. The xingdao is slippery after rain, so be careful when walking.(下雨后人行道很滑,走路要小心。)
15. It is important to respect the xingdao rights of others while walking in crowded areas.(在拥挤的地方行走时,尊重他人的行人道权利很重要。)
16. The xingdao is wide enough for two people to walk side by side.(人行道宽度足够两人并排行走。)
17. The xingdao is lined with trees, providing shade for pedestrians.(人行道两侧种满了树木,为行人提供了阴凉。)
18. The xingdao is well-lit at night, ensuring the safety of pedestrians.(夜晚人行道照明良好,确保行人的安全。)
19. The xingdao is marked with painted lines to separate it from the road.(人行道用涂装的线条标出,与道路分隔开。)
20. The xingdao is equipped with ramps for wheelchair users to access easily.(人行道上设有坡道,以方便轮椅使用者进出。)