- restored; repaired
- renovated; refurbished
- restoration; repair
- renovation; refurbishment
- 修复的 (xiūfù de) 和修补的 (xiūbǔ de) 都指物体被修理后变得完好或补齐的状态,但修复的程度更高,修补的程度较低。
- 修复 (xiūfù) 强调对物体的修复和恢复原状,修补 (xiūbǔ) 则更侧重于对物体的部分修补。
修复工程 (xiūfù gōngchéng) - restoration project
修复技术 (xiūfù jìshù) - restoration techniques
修复成本 (xiūfù chéngběn) - restoration cost
修复过程 (xiūfù guòchéng) - restoration process
修补 (xiūbǔ) - mend; patch
恢复 (huīfù) - recover; regain
翻新 (fānxīn) - renovate; recondition
破坏 (pòhuài) - damage; destroy
损坏 (sǔnhuài) - spoil; ruin
- xiufu (修复):(动词) 还原;修整;(名词) 修复;修补
- xiufu (修复):(动词) 修复;修补;(名词) 修复;修补
- 这个古老的房子经过修复后,焕然一新。
- After restoration, this old house looks brand new.
- 他们正努力修复这座古老教堂的尖塔。
- They are working hard to repair the spire of this ancient church.
- 这个破损的画框需要修补。
- This damaged picture frame needs to be repaired.
- 我们需要进行房屋翻新,包括换新的地板和重新粉刷墙壁。
- We need to renovate the house, including installing new flooring and repainting the walls.
- 这个古董家具经过精心的修复,现在看起来焕然一新。
- This antique furniture looks completely refurbished after careful restoration.
- 车祸后,她接受了多次整容手术来修复受伤的脸部。
- After the car accident, she underwent multiple cosmetic surgeries to repair her injured face.
- 这个博物馆正在进行一项大规模的修复工程,以保护文物。
- The museum is undertaking a large-scale restoration project to preserve the artifacts.
- 这个老石桥因为年久失修,需要进行彻底的修复。
- This old stone bridge needs a thorough repair due to years of neglect.
- 经过修复,这幅古老的油画终于展现出它的原貌。
- After restoration, this ancient oil painting finally reveals its original appearance.
- 这家酒店进行了一次大规模的翻新,以提供更好的入住体验。
- This hotel underwent a major refurbishment to provide a better stay experience.
- 他专注于修复古董钟表,以保留历史的价值。
- He specializes in repairing antique clocks to preserve their historical value.
- 这个雕塑在展览之前需要经过修复,以修复损坏的部分。
- This sculpture needs to be restored before the exhibition to repair the damaged parts.
- 这座古老的城堡正在进行一次全面的修复,以恢复其昔日的辉煌。
- This ancient castle is undergoing a comprehensive restoration to revive its former glory.
- 经过修复的古代文物将在博物馆中展出。
- The restored ancient artifacts will be displayed in the museum.
- 为了修复这个古老的画作,专家们进行了详尽的研究和修复工作。
- Extensive research and restoration work were carried out to repair this ancient painting.
- 这个老房子需要进行一些小修小补,以保持其原有的风格。
- This old house needs some minor repairs to maintain its original style.
- 这个破旧的电器经过修复,可以继续使用了。
- This worn-out appliance can be used again after being repaired.
- 他的努力修复了这个破损的友谊。
- His efforts repaired the damaged friendship.
- 经过修补,这辆汽车的外观看起来几乎没有损坏过。
- After being patched up, the car's appearance looks almost undamaged.
- 我们需要修补这个漏水的水管,以避免进一步的浪费。
- We need to mend this leaking pipe to prevent further waste.
- 这件破旧的衣服已经无法修补了,只能扔掉。
- This worn-out garment is beyond repair and can only be discarded.
- 这个破损的家具需要经过修补才能继续使用。
- This damaged furniture needs to be repaired in order to be used again.
- 他们花了几个小时来修补这个破碎的陶瓷花瓶。
- They spent several hours mending the broken ceramic vase.
- 这家博物馆花费了大量时间和精力来修补这个文物的细微损伤。
- The museum invested a lot of time and effort in repairing the minor damages to this artifact.