《柯林斯词典》(Collins Dictionary)
xiaoya (Noun)
- (Chinese) 小牙齿
- (Chinese) 霄娅
- (Chinese) 小牙齿的
- (Chinese) 霄娅的
《牛津词典》(Oxford Dictionary)
xiaoya (Noun)
- (Chinese) 小牙齿
- (Chinese) 霄娅
- (Chinese) 小牙齿的
- (Chinese) 霄娅的
- xiaoya是指"小牙齿",强调的是牙齿的大小。
- xiaoyazi是指"小牙齿",强调的是牙齿的数量或者形态。
- (Chinese) 大牙齿 (dàyázhǐ) - 大的牙齿
- (Chinese) 尖牙齿 (jiānyázhǐ) - 尖锐的牙齿
- (Chinese) 龅牙 (páo yá) - 长而突出的牙齿
- (Chinese) 小牙 (xiǎo yá) - 小牙齿
- (Chinese) 小牙齿 (xiǎo yá chǐ) - 小牙齿
- (Chinese) 大牙齿 (dà yá chǐ) - 大牙齿
- (Chinese) 长牙齿 (zhǎng yá chǐ) - 长牙齿
- (Chinese) 我的宝宝长出了小牙齿。
- (Chinese) 霄娅的微笑让人感到温暖。
1. My baby has started teething and has a few xiaoya coming in.
(Chinese) 我的宝宝开始长牙了,有几颗小牙齿冒出来了。
2. Her smile is as bright as her xiaoya.
(Chinese) 她的微笑像她的小牙齿一样明亮。
3. The dentist examined the child's xiaoya and found no cavities.
(Chinese) 牙医检查了孩子的小牙齿,没有发现蛀牙。
4. The xiaoya decoration on the cake was adorable.
(Chinese) 蛋糕上的小牙齿装饰十分可爱。
5. Xiaoya's laughter filled the room with joy.
(Chinese) 霄娅的笑声充满了房间的欢乐。
6. The dentist recommended brushing the xiaoya gently.
(Chinese) 牙医建议轻柔地刷小牙齿。
7. Her daughter lost her first xiaoya and left it under her pillow for the tooth fairy.
(Chinese) 她的女儿掉了第一颗小牙齿,把它放在枕头下给牙仙子。
8. The baby's xiaoya were just starting to come in.
(Chinese) 宝宝的小牙齿刚开始长出来。
9. The photograph captured the child's xiaoya perfectly.
(Chinese) 这张照片完美地记录了孩子的小牙齿。
10. The child complained of pain in her xiaoya.
(Chinese) 孩子抱怨她的小牙齿疼痛。
11. The dentist recommended using a soft brush for cleaning xiaoya.
(Chinese) 牙医建议使用软毛刷清洁小牙齿。
12. The little girl proudly showed off her missing xiaoya.
(Chinese) 小女孩自豪地炫耀着她掉了的小牙齿。
13. The mother carefully brushed her baby's xiaoya with a small toothbrush.
(Chinese) 妈妈小心翼翼地用小牙刷刷宝宝的小牙齿。
14. The dentist examined the child's xiaoya for any signs of decay.
(Chinese) 牙医检查了孩子的小牙齿,看有没有蛀牙的迹象。
15. The baby's first xiaoya appeared when she was six months old.
(Chinese) 宝宝六个月大时长出了第一颗小牙齿。
16. The child was excited to receive money from the tooth fairy in exchange for her xiaoya.
(Chinese) 孩子兴奋地拿到牙仙子给的钱,换取她的小牙齿。
17. The mother checked her baby's xiaoya regularly to ensure they were growing properly.
(Chinese) 妈妈定期检查宝宝的小牙齿,确保它们正常生长。
18. The child's face lit up with a big smile, showing her tiny xiaoya.
(Chinese) 孩子满脸笑容,露出小小的小牙齿。
19. The dentist advised the parent to avoid giving the child sugary foods to protect her xiaoya.
(Chinese) 牙医建议家长不要给孩子吃含糖食物,以保护她的小牙齿。
20. The child was proud to show off her new xiaoya to her friends.
(Chinese) 孩子自豪地向朋友展示她的新小牙齿。