zion: 1. 美好的;神圣的 2. 热情洋溢的;热衷的名词
zion: 1. 锡安(指犹太人的理想国家) 2. 天堂;乐园词语辨析
zion: 1. 犹太人的理想国家,强调对犹太人的重要性和特殊性。 2. 天堂;乐园,强调美好、神圣的地方。词汇扩充
zion: 1. 锡安主义(Zionism):指犹太民族复国主义运动,旨在恢复犹太人在巴勒斯坦的独立国家。 2. 锡安山(Mount Zion):耶路撒冷的一座山,与犹太教和基督教有关联。近义词
1. paradise:天堂;乐园 2. utopia:乌托邦;理想国反义词
1. hell:地狱 2. dystopia:反乌托邦柯林斯词典
zion: 1. A place that is regarded as perfect or ideal. 2. A movement or ideal that aims for a perfect society or state.
zion: 1. A hill in Jerusalem, traditionally regarded as the city of David and the most sacred site of Jewish worship. 2. A movement for the re-establishment and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. 3. A place or religious community regarded as sacredly devoted to God.
- He considered the new city as a zion of progress and innovation. (形容词)
- Many Jews see the establishment of Israel as the fulfillment of the zion they had longed for. (名词)
- She spoke with such zion enthusiasm about her upcoming trip to Paris. (形容词)
- Visiting the Grand Canyon felt like stepping into a natural zion of untouched beauty. (名词)
- He longed for the day when he could return to the zion of his homeland. 他渴望能回到他的故土,那个他心目中的犹太人之地。
- The artist described his paintings as a glimpse into a divine zion. 这位艺术家将他的画作形容为一瞥神圣之地。
- She found solace in her garden, a small zion of tranquility amidst the chaos of the city. 她在自己的花园中找到了慰藉,这个小小的安宁之地在城市的喧嚣中显得格外祥和。
- Their trip to the beach was a much-needed escape to a sandy zion. 他们去海滩的旅行是一次迫切需要的逃离,前往一个沙滩乐园。
- The city's new cultural center has become a zion for artists and performers. 这座城市的新文化中心已成为艺术家和表演者的热门场所。
- I've always considered this café as my personal zion of relaxation. 我一直把这家咖啡馆视为我个人的放松天堂。
- She described her dream of a world where peace and equality reigned as her own zion of hope. 她将和平与平等主导的世界描述为她自己的希望乐园。
- The country's national park is a zion of natural wonders and biodiversity. 这个国家公园是自然奇观和生物多样性的乐园。
- For the devout, the holy city of Mecca is the ultimate zion of Islam. 对于虔诚的信徒来说,麦加这座圣城是伊斯兰教的终极圣地。
- They believed their commune was a zion of communal living and shared ideals. 他们相信他们的公社是共同生活和共享理念的乐园。
- In their eyes, the small village was a zion of simplicity and traditional values. 在他们眼里,这个小村庄是纯朴和传统价值观的天堂。
- She yearned to find her own zion of happiness and fulfillment. 她渴望找到属于自己的幸福和成就之地。
- His speech inspired the audience and created a zion of hope for a better future. 他的演讲激励了观众,为更美好的未来营造了希望的乐土。
- The remote island was a hidden zion of untouched beauty. 这座偏远的岛屿是一片未经触动的美丽乐土。
- They believed their organization was a zion of justice and equality. 他们认为他们的组织是正义和平等的圣地。
- His artwork aimed to transport viewers to a zion of imagination and wonder. 他的艺术作品旨在将观众带入一片想象和惊叹之地。
- The ancient ruins stood as a testament to the former zion of a great civilization. 古代废墟成为伟大文明过去辉煌的证明。
- She described her grandmother's garden as a zion of colorful flowers and sweet scents. 她将奶奶的花园形容为一片五彩斑斓和芬芳馥郁之地。
- The team's victory brought a sense of zion and celebration to the entire city. 球队的胜利给整个城市带来了一种欢庆和庆祝的氛围。
- He saw the university campus as a zion of knowledge and intellectual growth. 他将大学校园视为知识和智力成长的圣地。
- The peaceful forest provided a zion of tranquility for those seeking refuge from the busy city. 这片宁静的森林为那些寻求远离喧嚣城市的人提供了一片宁静之地。