zirconia [zəˈkəʊnɪə]- 名词:氧化锆
- 形容词:氧化锆的
- zirconium [zəˈkəʊnɪəm]:锆
- zircon [ˈzɜːkɒn]:锆石
- zirconium dioxide:二氧化锆
- zircon
- zirconium dioxide
- zirconium
zirconia in British English:
- noun: a white amorphous powder that is used as a pigment for paints, in glass frits, and in heat-resistant coatings. Formula: ZrO2
zirconia in English:
- noun: a white, crystalline, amorphous powder that is obtained by heating zirconium compounds. It is used as a refractory, in electrical devices, and for making crucibles and other ceramics
zirconia is widely used in the production of ceramics and as a refractory material due to its high melting point and excellent mechanical properties.
- She wore a pendant made of zirconia, resembling a diamond. 她戴着一枚镶嵌着氧化锆的吊坠,看起来像颗钻石。
- The zirconia coating provides excellent protection against corrosion. 氧化锆涂层能够提供出色的防腐蚀保护。
- Zirconia crowns are known for their durability and natural appearance. 氧化锆冠以其耐用性和自然外观而闻名。
- The researchers conducted a study on the properties of zirconia ceramics. 研究人员对氧化锆陶瓷的性能进行了研究。
- The zirconia-based implant showed excellent biocompatibility in the animal trials. 基于氧化锆的植入物在动物试验中表现出良好的生物相容性。
- Zirconia is often used as a catalyst in chemical reactions. 氧化锆经常被用作化学反应的催化剂。
- The zirconia ring sparkled on her finger. 她手指上闪耀着一枚氧化锆戒指。
- The dentist recommended a zirconia dental crown for its strength and aesthetic appeal. 牙医因其强度和美观度推荐使用氧化锆牙冠。
- The zirconia-based ceramic has a high resistance to heat and wear. 基于氧化锆的陶瓷具有很高的耐热性和耐磨性。
- Zirconia ceramics are widely used in biomedical applications due to their biocompatibility. 由于其生物相容性,氧化锆陶瓷在生物医学应用中被广泛使用。
- The jewelry store offers a wide selection of zirconia earrings. 珠宝店提供各式各样的氧化锆耳环。
- Scientists are exploring new applications for zirconia nanoparticles. 科学家正在探索氧化锆纳米颗粒的新应用。
- The zirconia coating enhances the durability of the metal surface. 氧化锆涂层增强了金属表面的耐久性。
- Zirconia implants have become a popular choice in dentistry. 氧化锆种植物在牙科领域中变得越来越受欢迎。
- The zirconia-based composite material exhibits excellent mechanical properties. 基于氧化锆的复合材料具有出色的力学性能。
- The jeweler recommended a zirconia necklace as a more affordable alternative to diamonds. 珠宝商推荐了一条氧化锆项链作为比钻石更经济实惠的选择。
- Zirconia is widely used in the production of ceramic knives due to its high hardness. 由于其高硬度,氧化锆被广泛用于陶瓷刀具的生产中。
- The zirconia-based material is resistant to chemical corrosion. 基于氧化锆的材料对化学腐蚀具有抗性。
- Zirconia is an important component in the production of solid oxide fuel cells. 氧化锆是固体氧化物燃料电池生产中的重要组成部分。
- The zirconia ceramic exhibits excellent thermal stability. 氧化锆陶瓷具有出色的热稳定性。