- 电荷 (charge)
- 安培 (ampere)
- 伏特 (volt)
- 电场 (electric field)
根据柯林斯词典和牛津词典,“coulomb”是以法国物理学家查尔斯·居里(Charles-Augustin de Coulomb)的名字命名的。
The charge of an electron is approximately -1.6 × 10-19 coulombs.
一个电子的电荷约为 -1.6 × 10-19 库仑。
One coulomb is defined as the amount of charge that passes through a conductor carrying a current of one ampere in one second.
The capacitor can store a maximum charge of 5 coulombs.
这个电容器最多可以存储 5 库仑 的电荷。
The electric field strength is related to the force per unit charge measured in coulombs.
电场强度与单位电荷所受的力有关,单位为 库仑。
The total charge of the system is 10 coulombs.
系统的总电荷为 10 库仑。
To calculate the potential energy, we need to know the charge in coulombs.
要计算潜在能量,我们需要知道电荷的值,单位为 库仑。
The relationship between charge and voltage can be expressed in terms of coulombs.
电荷与电压的关系可以用 库仑 表达。
He measured the current flowing through the circuit in coulombs.
他测量了电路中流动的电流,以 库仑 为单位。
In electrostatics, the interaction between charges is measured in coulombs.
在静电学中,电荷之间的相互作用以 库仑 为单位进行测量。
The formula for calculating electric force includes coulombs as a key variable.
计算电力的公式中,以 库仑 作为关键变量。
Each coulomb of charge produces a specific amount of force in an electric field.
The SI unit of charge is the coulomb.
电荷的国际单位制单位是 库仑。
When two charges are placed close together, they exert forces measured in coulombs.
当两个电荷放置在一起时,它们施加的力以 库仑 为单位进行测量。
The experiment showed that one coulomb of charge can produce a significant electric field.
实验表明,1 库仑 的电荷可以产生显著的电场。
Understanding the concept of coulombs is essential for studying electricity.
理解 库仑 的概念对于学习电学至关重要。
In the lab, we learned how to measure charge in coulombs.
在实验室里,我们学习了如何以 库仑 为单位测量电荷。
The total electric charge in the system is represented in coulombs.
系统中的总电荷以 库仑 表示。
Calculating the energy stored in a capacitor requires knowing the charge in coulombs.
计算电容器中存储的能量需要知道电荷的值,以 库仑 为单位。
The unit of electric charge, the coulomb, is named after Charles-Augustin de Coulomb.
电荷单位 库仑 是以查尔斯·居里命名的。