“Chauvinistic” 是一个形容词,源自“Chauvinism”,原意指极端的民族主义或性别主义。这个词常用来形容对某一群体(如男性或某一国家)持有偏见或优越感的态度。它通常涉及到对其他群体的贬低或不尊重。
- Chauvinism (n.) - 过度的民族主义或性别偏见
- Chauvinist (n.) - 盲目支持某一群体的人(如男性至上主义者)
- Nationalistic - 民族主义的
- Sexist - 性别歧视的
- Patriarchal - 父权制的
- Tolerant - 宽容的
- Open-minded - 开放思想的
- Equalitarian - 平等主义的
Chauvinistic refers to an attitude of superiority or a tendency to be aggressively patriotic or biased towards one's own group.
Chauvinistic describes a person who has an exaggerated belief in the superiority of their group, often to the detriment of others.
The company's chauvinistic policies discouraged female employees from advancing.
公司的 沙文主义 政策抑制了女性员工的晋升。
His chauvinistic remarks during the meeting made many uncomfortable.
他在会议上的 沙文主义 言论让许多人感到不适。
They accused him of being chauvinistic for not supporting women's rights.
他们指责他因为不支持女性权益而显得 沙文主义。
Many people find chauvinistic attitudes unacceptable in modern society.
许多人认为在现代社会中, 沙文主义 态度是不可接受的。
His chauvinistic behavior alienated his colleagues.
他的 沙文主义 行为使同事们感到疏离。
Some argue that chauvinistic views are deeply rooted in cultural traditions.
一些人认为 沙文主义 观点深深植根于文化传统中。
She challenged the chauvinistic mindset prevalent in her industry.
她挑战了她所在行业普遍存在的 沙文主义 心态。
The film critiques chauvinistic attitudes towards women in society.
这部电影批评了社会对女性的 沙文主义 态度。
His chauvinistic pride in his country often led to conflicts with others.
他对自己国家的 沙文主义 自豪感常常导致与他人的冲突。
Critics label the book as chauvinistic for its portrayal of gender roles.
批评者将这本书标记为 沙文主义 ,因其对性别角色的描绘。
Her chauvinistic comments during the debate were met with backlash.
她在辩论中的 沙文主义 评论遭到了反对。
The chauvinistic culture in the office hindered diversity.
办公室的 沙文主义 文化阻碍了多样性。
He was criticized for his chauvinistic approach to leadership.
他因其 沙文主义 的领导方式而受到批评。
Some aspects of the advertisement were deemed chauvinistic.
广告中的某些方面被认为是 沙文主义 的。
Her chauvinistic beliefs made it difficult for her to accept other cultures.
她的 沙文主义 信念使她难以接受其他文化。
The chauvinistic remarks sparked a heated discussion.
这些 沙文主义 的言论引发了激烈的讨论。
To combat chauvinistic attitudes, education is crucial.
要对抗 沙文主义 态度,教育至关重要。
His chauvinistic views were challenged by his peers.
他的 沙文主义 观点受到了同龄人的挑战。
A chauvinistic environment can stifle innovation.
一个 沙文主义 的环境可能会抑制创新。