- 不均匀的;不一致的
- 不均匀性;不一致性
- uneven
- irregular
- varied
- uniform
- consistent
nonuniform (adj.)
not uniform; varied or inconsistent in nature, quality, or form
nonuniform (adj.)
not the same in all parts or at all times; varying
- The distribution of resources was highly nonuniform across the region. (资源分布在该地区高度不均匀。)
- The nonuniform color of the wall indicated that it had been poorly painted. (墙壁的颜色不均匀表明它刷得不好。)
- The nonuniformity of the product's texture was a result of the manufacturing process. (产品质地的不均匀性是制造过程的结果。)
- The nonuniform growth of the plants made the garden look untidy. (植物的不均匀生长使花园看起来杂乱无序。)
- The nonuniform distribution of wealth in the country led to social inequality. (国家财富的不均匀分配导致了社会不平等。)
- The nonuniform rainfall patterns affected the agricultural yield. (雨量的不均匀分布影响了农作物的产量。)
- The nonuniformity of the data points suggested that there was a problem with the measurement. (数据点的不均匀性表明测量存在问题。)
- The nonuniform heating of the oven resulted in unevenly cooked food. (烤箱的不均匀加热导致食物烧煮不均匀。)
- The nonuniform sizes of the boxes made stacking them difficult. (盒子的大小不一致,很难堆叠。)
- The nonuniformity in the distribution of resources created disparities between urban and rural areas. (资源分布的不均匀性造成了城乡之间的差距。)
- The nonuniform growth of the economy raised concerns among investors. (经济的不均匀增长引起了投资者的担忧。)
- The nonuniformity of the fabric's texture gave the clothing a unique appearance. (面料质地的不均匀性使服装具有独特的外观。)
- The nonuniform distribution of population in the city led to overcrowding in certain areas. (城市人口的不均匀分布导致了某些地区的过度拥挤。)
- The nonuniform color of the painting added depth and complexity to the artwork. (画作的颜色不均匀增添了深度和复杂性。)
- The nonuniformity of the test scores indicated a need for further investigation. (考试成绩的不均匀性表明需要进一步调查。)
- The nonuniform rainfall distribution affected the availability of water for irrigation. (雨量的不均匀分布影响了灌溉用水的供应。)
- The nonuniformity in the application of the rules caused confusion among the participants. (对规则的不一致应用导致参与者困惑。)
- The nonuniform growth of the city resulted in uneven development in different neighborhoods. (城市的不均匀增长导致了不同社区的不均衡发展。)
- The nonuniformity of the sound quality made it difficult to enjoy the concert. (声音质量的不均匀性使人们难以享受音乐会。)
- The nonuniform distribution of opportunities limited the upward mobility of certain groups. (机会的不均匀分配限制了某些群体的社会流动性。)
- The nonuniformity in the size of the pieces affected the overall appearance of the puzzle. (拼图块大小的不一致影响了整个拼图的外观。)