coolant [形容词]: 1. 冷却的;冷却剂的名词
coolant [名词]: 1. 冷却剂 2. 冷却液 3. 汽车冷却液词语辨析
1. coolant vs. refrigerant: - coolant: 主要用于冷却发动机或其他设备的液体 - refrigerant: 主要用于制冷或冷冻设备中的工质词汇扩充
1. coolant system: 冷却系统 2. engine coolant: 发动机冷却剂 3. liquid coolant: 液体冷却剂近义词
1. antifreeze: 防冻剂 2. refrigerant: 制冷剂 3. coolant agent: 冷却剂反义词
1. heater: 加热器 2. heating element: 加热元件柯林斯词典
coolant: 1. A coolant is a liquid that is used to prevent a machine or device from becoming too hot. 2. A coolant is a liquid that is used in a refrigerator or air conditioner to cool the air that is passed over it.牛津词典
coolant: 1. A liquid or gas that is used to remove heat from something, such as an engine or electrical equipment, in order to prevent it from becoming too hot.用法
- 我们需要更换发动机冷却剂。 - We need to replace the engine coolant. - 这种冷却剂能够有效地降低温度。 - This coolant can effectively lower the temperature. - 请确认冷却液的水平是否足够。 - Please check if the coolant level is sufficient. - 制冷剂在冷冻设备中起着重要的作用。 - Refrigerant plays an important role in refrigeration equipment.例句
- The car's coolant needs to be refilled. (汽车的冷却液需要加满。)
- Engine coolant should be checked regularly. (发动机冷却剂应定期检查。)
- Coolant is necessary to prevent the engine from overheating. (冷却剂是防止发动机过热的必需品。)
- The coolant system is designed to maintain the optimal temperature. (冷却系统旨在保持最佳温度。)
- Make sure to drain the old coolant before adding new coolant. (在添加新的冷却液之前,请确保放掉旧的冷却液。)
- Refrigerant is used in air conditioning systems to cool the air. (制冷剂用于空调系统中冷却空气。)
- It is important to use the recommended coolant for your vehicle. (使用推荐的冷却液对于您的车辆很重要。)
- The coolant agent circulates through the engine to dissipate heat. (冷却剂在发动机中循环以散热。)
- Remember to top up the coolant if it is running low. (如果冷却液不足,请记得加满。)
- This refrigerator uses a non-toxic coolant. (这台冰箱使用的是无毒的冷却剂。)
- The coolant absorbs heat from the engine and keeps it cool. (冷却液吸收发动机的热量并保持其冷却。)
- Be cautious when handling coolant as it may be corrosive. (处理冷却液时要小心,因为它可能具有腐蚀性。)
- Regular maintenance includes checking the coolant level. (定期保养包括检查冷却液的水平。)
- Ensure that the coolant is properly mixed with water. (确保冷却液与水充分混合。)
- The coolant acts as a heat transfer medium in the cooling system. (冷却液在冷却系统中起着传热介质的作用。)
- It is recommended to flush the coolant system every two years. (建议每两年冲洗一次冷却系统。)
- The coolant should be replaced if it becomes contaminated. (如果冷却液被污染,应予更换。)
- Make sure to dispose of used coolant properly. (确保正确处理废弃的冷却液。)
- The coolant circulates between the engine and the radiator. (冷却液在发动机和散热器之间循环。)
- The coolant temperature should be monitored to prevent engine damage. (应监控冷却液温度以防止发动机损坏。)