lose weight
lose weight - 减肥
weight-loss - 减肥的
- weight loss - 减肥
- weight-loss program - 减肥计划
- weight-loss goal - 减肥目标
- weight-loss journey - 减肥之旅
- weight-loss surgery - 减肥手术
1. lose weight vs. reduce weight:
- lose weight: 指通过减少体重来达到减肥的目的
- reduce weight: 指通过各种方式减少体重,包括失去脂肪和水分等
1. slim down - 减肥
2. shed pounds - 减掉几磅
3. drop a dress size - 减小一号裙子的尺码
reduce weight, slim down, shed pounds, drop a dress size
gain weight - 增肥
lose weight (phrase)
- If you lose weight, you become lighter and thinner.
- If someone loses weight, they become less heavy and fat, usually because they have been on a diet.
lose weight (phrase)
become thinner or lighter by reducing the amount of food you eat
1. I need to lose weight before my wedding.
2. She has tried numerous weight-loss programs.
3. His weight-loss goal is to lose 10 kilograms in three months.
4. The weight-loss journey can be challenging but rewarding.
5. If diet and exercise are not effective, weight-loss surgery may be an option.
- I've been trying to lose weight for months, but it's not working.
- She joined a weight-loss program and successfully shed pounds.
- My weight-loss goal is to fit into my old jeans again.
- He documented his weight-loss journey on social media.
- After undergoing weight-loss surgery, she experienced significant changes in her health.
- She is determined to lose weight and improve her overall well-being.
- He decided to slim down for his upcoming beach vacation.
- She managed to drop a dress size before her high school reunion.
- He has been trying different methods to reduce weight, but none of them seem to work.
- She's been struggling to lose weight, but her efforts have been in vain.
- He gained weight during the holiday season and now he wants to lose it.
- She started a weight-loss program and gradually saw positive results.
- Her weight-loss journey has inspired many others to make healthy lifestyle changes.
- Weight-loss surgery is often considered as a last resort for severely obese individuals.
- He followed a strict diet and exercise routine to achieve his weight-loss goals.
- She was thrilled when she dropped a dress size after months of hard work.
- After losing weight, he noticed improvements in his energy levels and overall fitness.
- She's been trying to shed pounds before her wedding day.
- He decided to reduce weight for health reasons.
- She successfully dropped two dress sizes through regular exercise and healthy eating.
- He aims to slim down and improve his self-confidence.