1. 来自天堂的;天赐的
相关词汇:heavenly(adj. 天上的,来自天堂的;极好的)
- divine
- godsend
- miraculous
- serendipitous
- unfortunate
- unlucky
- undesirable
1. 来自天堂的东西;天赐之物
相关词汇:miracle(n. 奇迹;惊人的事物)
heavensent (adj.) - If you describe something as heavensent, you are emphasizing that it is exactly what was needed or wanted.
heavensent (adj.) - Sent by or as if by God.
- The rain was heavensent after the long drought. (天长地久之后,雨水恰好降临。)
- Her arrival at the party was a heavensent surprise. (她在派对上的到来是一个天赐的惊喜。)
- The rescue team arrived just in time, like a heavensent. (救援队及时赶到,就像是一道天赐的神光。)
- He considered his sudden promotion as a heavensent opportunity. (他认为突然的晋升是一个天赐的机会。)
- The doctor's expertise was heavensent in the critical situation. (医生的专业知识在紧急情况下是天赐的。)
- She saw the scholarship as a heavensent ticket to pursue her dreams. (她把奖学金看作是追求梦想的天赐之票。)
- The donation from the anonymous donor was a heavensent for the struggling charity. (匿名捐赠者的捐款对于苦苦挣扎的慈善机构来说是个天赐之物。)
- The team's victory was a heavensent boost to their morale. (团队的胜利给了他们士气上的天赐之助。)
- She considered her new job offer as a heavensent lifeline. (她把新的工作机会看作是天赐的救命稻草。)
- The unexpected support from her friends was a heavensent relief in her time of need. (朋友们的意外支持在她需要的时候给了她一丝天赐的安慰。)
- The discovery of the lost treasure was a heavensent for the archaeologists. (失落宝藏的发现对考古学家来说是个天赐的机会。)
- The success of their business venture was a heavensent opportunity to expand their company. (他们的商业冒险的成功是扩大公司的天赐良机。)
- The singer's voice was described as heavensent by the audience. (观众称赞歌手的嗓音是天赐的。)
- His talent for storytelling seemed heavensent. (他天生的讲故事的才能似乎是来自天堂的。)
- The unexpected promotion was a heavensent blessing for him. (意外的晋升对他来说是一种天赐的祝福。)
- The teacher's guidance was a heavensent support for her struggling students. (老师的指导是对她苦苦挣扎的学生的一种天赐的支持。)
- The sudden rain during the heatwave was a heavensent relief. (热浪期间突然下起的雨是个天赐的解脱。)
- His words of encouragement were like heavensent inspiration to her. (他的鼓励之言对她来说就像是一种天赐的灵感。)
- The unexpected opportunity to travel abroad was a heavensent adventure for her. (出乎意料的出国机会对她来说是一次天赐的冒险。)
- The discovery of the ancient artifact was a heavensent breakthrough for the archaeologists. (古代文物的发现对考古学家来说是个天赐的突破。)
- The arrival of the expert team was a heavensent solution to the complex problem. (专家团队的到来是复杂问题的天赐解决方案。)