1. 被同化的;被吸收的
assimilated culture:同化文化
assimilated knowledge:吸收的知识
absorbed, incorporated, integrated
alienated, estranged, segregated
1) If people such as immigrants assimilate into a society, they become an accepted part of it.
2) If ideas or information assimilate into a larger system, they become a part of it or are absorbed by it.
1) Take in (information, ideas, or culture) and understand fully.
2) Absorb and integrate (people, ideas, or culture) into a wider society or culture.
1. 同化者;被同化的人
cultural assimilation:文化同化
absorbee, inductee, recruit
outsider, foreigner, nonnative
- He quickly assimilated the new information and put it into practice.(他很快吸收了新的信息并付诸实践。)
- The immigrants assimilated into the local community and adopted its customs.(移民融入了当地社区并采纳了其风俗习惯。)
- She has fully assimilated the principles of the organization.(她已经完全吸收了该组织的原则。)
- The culture of the conquered civilization was assimilated by the conquerors.(征服者同化了被征服文明的文化。)
- It takes time for newcomers to assimilate into a different culture.(新来者融入不同的文化需要时间。)
- The assimilated knowledge became the foundation for his success.(吸收的知识成为他成功的基础。)
- The assimilated culture of the region reflects its diverse history.(该地区同化的文化反映了其多元的历史。)
- She felt like an outsider in the new country and struggled to assimilate.(她在新的国家感觉像个外人,努力融入其中。)
- The assimilation of different ethnic groups into a unified society is a complex process.(不同族群融入一个统一社会的同化是一个复杂的过程。)
- After years of living abroad, he has become fully assimilated and embraced the local customs.(在国外生活多年后,他已经完全同化并接受了当地的习俗。)
- Language barriers can hinder the assimilation of immigrants into a new country.(语言障碍可能阻碍移民融入新的国家。)
- The assimilation of new technology into the existing infrastructure is a priority for the company.(将新技术同化到现有基础设施中是该公司的优先事项。)
- His ideas were gradually assimilated into the mainstream political discourse.(他的观点逐渐融入了主流政治话语。)
- The assimilation of foreign influences into the local cuisine has created unique fusion dishes.(外来影响对当地美食的同化创造了独特的融合菜肴。)
- Children tend to assimilate new languages more easily than adults.(儿童比成人更容易同化新的语言。)
- The assimilated members of the community actively participate in local events.(社区中被同化的成员积极参与当地活动。)
- Efforts are being made to promote the assimilation of different cultures within the school.(正在努力促进学校内不同文化的同化。)
- Assimilation can lead to a loss of cultural diversity if not managed properly.(如果管理不当,同化可能导致文化多样性的丧失。)
- The assimilated knowledge and skills were crucial for her success in the profession.(吸收的知识和技能对她在职业上的成功至关重要。)
- The assimilated population has contributed to the economic growth of the country.(被同化的人口为该国的经济增长做出了贡献。)