形容词:- 乐意放弃的;愿意分离的
- 轻易分开的
- 分离
- 放弃
- partwith与willing to part with的意思相似,都表示愿意放弃某物。但partwith更强调主动性,愿意主动分离或放弃;
- partwith与easily parted的意思相似,都表示容易分开的。但partwith更强调主观因素,即愿意主动分开;
- partible:可分开的
- separable:可分离的
- separation:分离
- abandonment:放弃
放弃:abandon, relinquish, surrender
分离:separate, detach, disconnect
保留:keep, retain, hold on to
合并:combine, unite, merge
partwith (verb)
- to give up; relinquish
- (law) to transfer (property, etc) in return for value received
partwith (verb)
- formally transfer ownership or control of something.
1. partwith可用作及物动词。
2. partwith常用于法律和正式文体。
3. partwith常与give up, relinquish, transfer等词搭配使用。
- I am willing to partwith my old books and donate them to the library.(我愿意放弃我的旧书并捐赠给图书馆。)
- She was not easily partedwith her favorite necklace.(她不愿意轻易放弃她最喜欢的项链。)
- He decided to partwith his collection of stamps.(他决定放弃他的邮票收藏。)
- The couple's separation was amicable, and they partedwith no hard feelings.(这对夫妇的分离是友好的,他们离开时没有任何难过的情绪。)
- She had to partwith her childhood home when she moved to the city.(当她搬到城市时,她不得不放弃她的童年家园。)
- He reluctantly partswith his beloved guitar.(他不情愿地放弃他心爱的吉他。)
- The company is willing to partwith a portion of its profits for charity.(公司愿意拿出一部分利润用于慈善事业。)
- He partedwith his car to help his friend in need.(他放弃了自己的汽车来帮助有需要的朋友。)
- She found it difficult to partwith her childhood toys.(她发现很难放弃她的童年玩具。)
- I had to partwith my favorite sweater because it no longer fit.(我不得不放弃我最喜欢的毛衣,因为它不再合身。)
- The divorce settlement required him to partwith half of his assets.(离婚协议要求他放弃一半的资产。)
- He regretted partingwith his antique watch.(他后悔放弃了他的古董手表。)
- She couldn't partwith her childhood teddy bear.(她舍不得放弃她的童年泰迪熊。)
- They agreed to partwith their family heirlooms to settle their debts.(他们同意放弃家族传家宝来偿还债务。)
- The company refused to partwith any of its trade secrets.(公司拒绝放弃任何商业机密。)
- He finally decided to partwith his old car and buy a new one.(他最终决定放弃他的旧车,买一辆新车。)
- She couldn't bear to partwith her beloved dog.(她不忍心离开她心爱的狗。)
- He was forced to partwith his childhood home due to financial difficulties.(由于经济困难,他被迫放弃了他的童年家园。)
- They decided to partwith their business partner due to irreconcilable differences.(由于无法调和的分歧,他们决定与他们的商业伙伴分道扬镳。)
- She couldn't partwith her favorite book, even though it was falling apart.(尽管这本书已经破烂不堪,但她舍不得放弃她最喜欢的那本。)
- He had to partwith his childhood friend when they moved to different cities.(当他们搬到不同的城市时,他不得不与他的童年朋友分开。)