形容词 1. 令人印象深刻的,威严的 (impressive, grand) 2. 壮观的,宏伟的 (magnificent, majestic) 3. 要求服从的,威风凛凛的 (domineering, authoritative) 名词 1. 令人印象深刻的事物 (impressive thing or person)词语辨析
- impressive: 侧重于给人留下深刻印象的特性或特征 - grand: 指令人敬畏的壮丽或庄严 - magnificent: 指极其壮丽、华丽或壮观的 - majestic: 指尊贵、庄严或威严的 - domineering: 指强制性的统治或控制词汇扩充
- imposingly: 威风凛凛地,威严地近义词
- impressive - grand - magnificent - majestic - awesome - awe-inspiring反义词
- unimpressive - modest - unimportant柯林斯词典
形容词 1. If you describe someone or something as imposing, you mean that they have an impressive appearance or manner. 2. If you describe something such as a task or a problem as imposing, you mean that it is difficult and needs a lot of effort to achieve or solve. 名词 1. An imposing person or thing has an impressive appearance or manner.牛津词典
形容词 1. Grand and impressive in appearance. 2. (of a person) grand and impressive in appearance or style, especially pretentiously so. 名词 1. An impressive building or other structure.用法
- The imposing building stood tall and majestic. - He had an imposing presence that commanded respect. - The task seemed imposing, but she tackled it with determination.例句
- The castle is an imposing structure, overlooking the town. (这座城堡是一座宏伟的建筑,俯视着城镇。)
- Her imposing presence made everyone stop and stare. (她威风凛凛的气场让每个人都停下来凝视。)
- The imposing mountain range stretched as far as the eye could see. (壮观的山脉一直延伸到视线所及的地方。)
- Despite his imposing exterior, he had a gentle and kind heart. (尽管他外表威严,但内心温和善良。)
- The imposing task of organizing the event fell on her shoulders. (组织活动这项艰巨的任务落在了她的肩上。)
- The imposing skyscrapers of the city created a stunning skyline. (城市中壮观的摩天大楼构成了令人惊叹的天际线。)
- Her imposing stature and authoritative voice commanded attention. (她庄严的身姿和权威的声音引起了注意。)
- He was known for his imposing presence and ability to captivate an audience. (他以威严的气场和能够吸引观众的能力而闻名。)
- The imposing entrance of the palace was adorned with intricate carvings. (宫殿的庄严入口装饰着复杂的雕刻。)
- She felt a sense of awe as she stood before the imposing statue. (站在庄严的雕像前,她感到一种敬畏之情。)
- The imposing nature of the task required a team effort to accomplish. (任务的艰巨性需要团队共同努力才能完成。)
- His imposing demeanor intimidated those around him. (他威风凛凛的举止使周围的人感到惧怕。)
- The imposing building was a symbol of the city's prosperity. (这座宏伟的建筑是城市繁荣的象征。)
- The imposing mountain peaks were covered in a blanket of snow. (壮观的山峰覆盖着一层白雪。)
- She possessed an imposing intellect and was highly respected in her field. (她拥有一种令人敬畏的智慧,在她的领域中备受尊敬。)
- The imposing figure of the president commanded attention as he entered the room. (当总统走进房间时,他那威严的身姿吸引了大家的注意。)
- The imposing architecture of the cathedral left visitors in awe. (大教堂庄严的建筑让游客们感到敬畏。)
- The imposing challenge ahead required careful planning and execution. (面临的艰巨挑战需要仔细的计划和执行。)
- He possessed an imposing physique that made him a formidable opponent. (他拥有一副威风凛凛的身材,使他成为一个强大的对手。)
- The imposing presence of the military commander instilled fear in his subordinates. (军事指挥官的威风凛凛的存在使他的下属们感到恐惧。)
- Despite his imposing reputation, he was a humble and down-to-earth person. (尽管他声名显赫,但他是一个谦逊和脚踏实地的人。)