1. traps (形容词): 陷阱的,设陷阱的
例句:The hunters set traps to catch wild animals. (猎人们设置陷阱来捕捉野生动物。)
1. traps (名词): 陷阱,圈套
例句:The mouse got caught in the trap. (老鼠被陷阱捉住了。)
2. traps (名词): 装置,机关
例句:The security system has several traps to prevent unauthorized access. (安全系统有几个装置来防止未经授权的访问。)
3. traps (名词): (高尔夫球场上的)沙坑
例句:He hit the ball straight into the traps. (他把球直接打进了沙坑。)
1. snare: 用来捕捉动物的陷阱,通常是有绳子或网的,而traps可以指各种不同类型的陷阱。
2. pitfall: 隐藏的危险或困难,常常用来比喻人们可能掉入的陷阱,而traps则更注重实际的物理陷阱。
1. bear traps: 熊罐,指一种特制的大型陷阱,用来捕捉熊或其他大型动物。
2. mousetraps: 捕鼠器,一种用来捕捉老鼠的小型陷阱。
3. landmines: 地雷,一种埋藏在地下的爆炸装置,用来阻止敌人通过。
4. pitfalls and traps: 隐患和陷阱,指可能导致问题或困难的危险或陷阱。
1. snares
2. pits
3. nets
1. releases
2. escapes
traps (名词)
1. 陷阱,圈套
2. 装置,机关
3. (高尔夫球场上的)沙坑
traps (形容词)
1. 陷阱的,设陷阱的
traps (名词)
1. 陷阱,圈套
2. (高尔夫球场上的)沙坑
traps (形容词)
1. 陷阱的,设陷阱的
1. They set traps to catch rabbits in the garden.
2. The detective fell into the trap set by the criminal.
3. Watch out for the traps on the golf course.
4. The company has implemented security traps to protect sensitive data.
5. She fell into the trap of believing everything she read online.
6. The explorer set up traps to catch rare insects.
7. The mouse was trapped in the cage.
8. The hiker fell into a hidden trap in the forest.
9. The team fell into a trap and lost the game.
10. The cat sprang the trap and caught the bird.
11. The politician fell into a media trap and made a controversial statement.
12. The thief avoided the traps and successfully stole the valuable artifact.
13. The goalkeeper dived to save the ball from going into the trap.
14. The hiker got stuck in a trap while exploring the cave.
15. The company set up traps to catch potential hackers.
16. The hunter carefully placed traps in the forest to catch wild animals.
17. The spider weaved an intricate web as its trap for insects.
18. The teacher warned the students about the potential traps in the exam.
19. The detective used a baited trap to catch the thief.
20. The company fell into a financial trap and went bankrupt.