1. bluffing /ˈblʌfɪŋ/ - 虚张声势的;咄咄逼人的;唬人的; - 用于欺骗的; - 高低不等的;不一致的;不充实的。名词(Noun)
1. bluffing /ˈblʌfɪŋ/ - 虚张声势;唬人; - 欺诈;骗局; - 高低不等;不一致。词语辨析
- bluff(动词):欺骗,唬人。 - deceive(动词):欺骗,蒙蔽。 - cheat(动词):骗取,作弊。 - trick(动词):欺骗,哄骗。词汇扩充
- bluff(名词):虚张声势;悬崖;绝壁。 - bluffer(名词):唬人者;虚张声势者。近义词(Synonyms)
- deceive - mislead - bamboozle - hoodwink - delude反义词(Antonyms)
- honest - sincere - genuine柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
bluffing (ˈblʌfɪŋ) - If you say that someone is bluffing, you mean that they are pretending to have a particular quality or intention, when in fact they may not have it at all. - If you bluff, you pretend that you are very confident or that you know something when you do not.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
bluffing (/blʌfɪŋ/) - Try to deceive someone as to one's abilities or intentions. - An attempt to deceive someone into believing that one can or will do something.用法
- He is just bluffing.(他只是在虚张声势。) - She tried bluffing her way through the interview.(她试图通过虚张声势来面试。) - Don't be fooled by his bluffing.(不要被他的唬人行为所欺骗。)相关的例句
- He is known for his bluffing tactics in negotiations.(他以在谈判中使用虚张声势的策略而闻名。)
- Stop bluffing and tell me the truth.(别再唬人了,告诉我真相。)
- She was accused of bluffing her way into the job.(她被指责以虚张声势骗取这份工作。)
- His bluffing behavior made everyone believe he was a tough guy.(他的虚张声势让每个人都认为他是个强硬的人。)
- I could tell he was bluffing because his voice trembled.(我能听出他在虚张声势,因为他的声音颤抖。)
- She's good at bluffing her opponents in poker.(她擅长在扑克中唬住对手。)
- He thought he could win the game by bluffing his way through.(他以为通过虚张声势就能赢得这场比赛。)
- The detective saw through the suspect's bluffing.(侦探看穿了嫌疑人的虚张声势。)
- Don't be fooled by his bluffing. He doesn't actually know what he's talking about.(不要被他的唬人行为所欺骗,他实际上并不知道他在说什么。)
- He was accused of bluffing his way into the company by exaggerating his qualifications.(他被指责通过夸大自己的资历来骗取进入公司。)
- She bluffed her way through the difficult questions in the exam.(她在考试中通过虚张声势应付了那些困难的问题。)
- He was just bluffing when he said he would quit.(他说他要辞职只是在吓唬人。)
- She's a master at bluffing her opponents and getting them to fold in poker.(她是在扑克中唬住对手并让他们弃牌的高手。)
- The salesman tried bluffing the customer into buying the more expensive product.(推销员试图通过虚张声势让顾客购买更贵的产品。)
- He thought he could win the argument by bluffing his way through, but his lack of knowledge was evident.(他以为通过虚张声势就能赢得争论,但他的无知显而易见。)
- The politician was accused of bluffing about his campaign promises.(这位政治家被指责对他的竞选承诺虚张声势。)
- She bluffed her way into the VIP section of the concert.(她通过虚张声势进入了音乐会的贵宾区。)
- Don't try bluffing your way out of this situation. It won't work.(不要试图通过虚张声势来解脱这个局面,不会起作用的。)
- He's always bluffing about his accomplishments, but no one believes him anymore.(他总是吹嘘自己的成就,但没人再相信他了。)
- She used bluffing tactics to convince her parents to let her go to the party.(她使用虚张声势的策略说服父母让她去参加派对。)
- His bluffing behavior only made people lose trust in him.(他的虚张声势行为只会让人们失去对他的信任。)