1. 吸湿的 - 英文释义:able to absorb or draw off liquid - 例句: 1. The wicking fabric quickly absorbs sweat during exercise.(这种吸湿面料在运动中迅速吸收汗水。) 2. The wicking properties of this material make it ideal for outdoor activities.(这种材料的吸湿性能使其非常适合户外活动。) 2. 导湿的 - 英文释义:capable of transporting moisture away from the body - 例句: 1. The wicking socks help keep your feet dry by moving moisture away from your skin.(这种导湿袜子通过将湿气远离皮肤帮助保持双脚干燥。) 2. Wearing wicking clothing is essential for staying comfortable during intense physical activities.(进行剧烈运动时穿着导湿服装非常重要,可以让你保持舒适。)名词
1. 吸湿性 - 英文释义:the ability to absorb or draw off liquid - 例句: 1. The wicking of this fabric is excellent, keeping you dry even in humid conditions.(这种面料的吸湿性非常好,在潮湿的环境中也能保持干燥。) 2. The wicking of the towel allows it to quickly soak up water.(这款毛巾的吸湿性能使其能够迅速吸水。) 2. 导湿性 - 英文释义:the ability to transport moisture away from the body - 例句: 1. The wicking of these socks helps prevent blisters by keeping your feet dry.(这些袜子的导湿性能通过保持双脚干燥来防止起水泡。) 2. The wicking of the performance fabric ensures sweat is quickly wicked away from the skin.(这种性能面料的导湿性能确保汗水能够迅速从皮肤上被吸走。)词语辨析
- 英文释义:Differentiate between words - 例句: 1. The terms "wicking" and "absorbent" are often used interchangeably, but they have slightly different meanings.(术语“wicking”和“absorbent”经常被互换使用,但它们有稍微不同的含义。) 2. While both fabrics are moisture-wicking, one is more breathable than the other.(虽然这两种面料都具有导湿性,但其中一种透气性较好。)词汇扩充
- 英文释义:Expand the vocabulary - 例句: 1. The wicking ability of this material is unmatched.(这种材料的吸湿能力是无与伦比的。) 2. The garment's wicking properties ensure comfort during physical activity.(这件服装的导湿性能确保在进行体育活动时的舒适度。)近义词
1. absorbent - 英文释义:having the capacity to absorb liquid - 例句: 1. Both materials are highly absorbent and suitable for use in towels.(这两种材料都具有很强的吸湿性,适用于毛巾制作。) 2. The absorbent nature of the sponge makes it great for cleaning up spills.(海绵的吸湿性使其非常适合清理溢出的液体。) 2. moisture-wicking - 英文释义:able to draw moisture away from the body - 例句: 1. Moisture-wicking fabrics are commonly used in sportswear to keep athletes dry.(导湿面料常用于运动服装中,以保持运动员的干爽。) 2. The moisture-wicking properties of this mattress protector help regulate body temperature during sleep.(这款床垫保护套的导湿性能有助于在睡眠时调节体温。)反义词
1. non-wicking - 英文释义:not capable of absorbing or drawing off liquid - 例句: 1. The non-wicking fabric left sweat stains on the shirt.(这种非吸湿面料在衬衫上留下了汗渍。) 2. The non-wicking socks caused discomfort and blisters during the hike.(这双非吸湿袜子导致了徒步期间的不适和起水泡。)柯林斯词典
- 英文释义:Wicking is the process of liquid being drawn into and transported through a porous material, often against the force of gravity, by capillary action. - 例句: 1. The wicking of the oil up the wick allows it to burn steadily in the lamp.(油经由蜡烛芯的吸油作用,可在灯中持续燃烧。) 2. Wicking is an important characteristic in fabrics used for outdoor activities.(对于户外活动中使用的面料来说,吸湿性是一个重要的特性。)牛津词典
- 英文释义:Wicking is the process by which a liquid is drawn into the interstices of a porous material. - 例句: 1. The wicking of the ink through the paper can cause smudging.(墨水在纸上的吸湿作用会导致污迹。) 2. The wicking action of the sponge allows it to absorb and hold water.(海绵的吸湿作用使其能够吸收和保持水分。)用法
- 例句:- The wicking properties of this fabric keep you cool and dry during exercise.(这种面料的导湿性能在运动中保持你的凉爽和干燥。)
- The wicking socks are designed to prevent moisture build-up and odor.(这款导湿袜子设计旨在防止湿气积聚和异味。)
- Make sure to wear wicking clothing for your outdoor adventure.(确保穿上导湿服装进行户外冒险。)
- Regular washing helps maintain the wicking ability of the fabric.(定期清洗有助于保持面料的导湿能力。)
- The wicking of sweat from the skin is important for temperature regulation.(从皮肤上的导湿对于调节体温很重要。)
- The wicking fabric quickly absorbs sweat during exercise.(这种吸湿面料在运动中迅速吸收汗水。)
- The wicking properties of this material make it ideal for outdoor activities.(这种材料的吸湿性能使其非常适合户外活动。)
- The wicking socks help keep your feet dry by moving moisture away from your skin.(这种导湿袜子通过将湿气远离皮肤帮助保持双脚干燥。)
- Wearing wicking clothing is essential for staying comfortable during intense physical activities.(进行剧烈运动时穿着导湿服装非常重要,可以让你保持舒适。)
- The wicking of this fabric is excellent, keeping you dry even in humid conditions.(这种面料的吸湿性非常好,在潮湿的环境中也能保持干燥。)
- The wicking of the towel allows it to quickly soak up water.(这款毛巾的吸湿性能使其能够迅速吸水。)
- The wicking of these socks helps prevent blisters by keeping your feet dry.(这些袜子的导湿性能通过保持双脚干燥来防止起水泡。)
- The wicking of the performance fabric ensures sweat is quickly wicked away from the skin.(这种性能面料的导湿性能确保汗水能够迅速从皮肤上被吸走。)
- The terms "wicking" and "absorbent" are often used interchangeably, but they have slightly different meanings.(术语“wicking”和“absorbent”经常被互换使用,但它们有稍微不同的含义。)
- While both fabrics are moisture-wicking, one is more breathable than the other.(虽然这两种面料都具有导湿性,但其中一种透气性较好。)
- The wicking ability of this material is unmatched.(这种材料的吸湿能力是无与伦比的。)
- The garment's wicking properties ensure comfort during physical activity.(这件服装的导湿性能确保在进行体育活动时的舒适度。)
- Both materials are highly absorbent and suitable for use in towels.(这两种材料都具有很强的吸湿性,适用于毛巾制作。)
- The absorbent nature of the sponge makes it great for cleaning up spills.(海绵的吸湿性使其非常适合清理溢出的液体。)
- Moisture-wicking fabrics are commonly used in sportswear to keep athletes dry.(导湿面料常用于运动服装中,以保持运动员的干爽。)
- The moisture-wicking properties of this mattress protector help regulate body temperature during sleep.(这款床垫保护套的导湿性能有助于在睡眠时调节体温。)
- The non-wicking fabric left sweat stains on the shirt.(这种非吸湿面料在衬衫上留下了汗渍。)
- The non-wicking socks caused discomfort and blisters during the hike.(这双非吸湿袜子导致了徒步期间的不适和起水泡。)
- The wicking of the oil up the wick allows it to burn steadily in the lamp.(油经由蜡烛芯的吸油作用,可在灯中持续燃烧。)
- Wicking is an important characteristic in fabrics used for outdoor activities.(对于户外活动中使用的面料来说,吸湿性是一个重要的特性。)
- The wicking of the ink through the paper can cause smudging.(墨水在纸上的吸湿作用会导致污迹。)
- The wicking action of the sponge allows it to absorb and hold water.(海绵的吸湿作用使其能够吸收和保持水分。)
- The wicking properties of this fabric keep you cool and dry during exercise.(这种面料的导湿性能在运动中保持你的凉爽和干燥。)
- The wicking socks are designed to prevent moisture build-up and odor.(这款导湿袜子设计旨在防止湿气积聚和异味。)
- Make sure to wear wicking clothing for your outdoor adventure.(确保穿上导湿服装进行户外冒险。)
- Regular washing helps maintain the wicking ability of the fabric.(定期清洗有助于保持面料的导湿能力。)
- The wicking of sweat from the skin is important for temperature regulation.(从皮肤上的导湿对于调节体温很重要。)