1. 形容词
1) 指宽度逐渐增大的
2) 指差距或分歧逐渐加大的
2. 名词
1) 指宽度逐渐增大的过程
2) 指差距或分歧逐渐加大的过程
3. 词语辨析
4. 词汇扩充
5. 近义词
expanding, broadening, enlarging
6. 反义词
narrowing, contracting, constricting
7. 柯林斯词典
If you talk about the widening gap or divide between two groups of people or things, you are talking about the fact that they are becoming more and more different or separate from each other.
The widening of something such as a road is the act or process of making it wider.
8. 牛津词典
Becoming or making something become large or larger in distance or diameter.
The action or process of making something large or larger in distance or diameter.
9. 用法
10. 相关例句
- The widening gap between the rich and the poor is a major social issue. (富人与穷人之间的差距越来越大是一个重要的社会问题。)
- The company announced plans for the widening of the highway. (公司宣布了拓宽公路的计划。)
- The widening split within the party is causing concern. (党内的分裂越来越严重,引起了关注。)
- The widening of the river has created more space for recreational activities. (河流的扩大为休闲活动提供了更多的空间。)
- There is a widening perception that the government is not addressing the key issues. (越来越多的人认为政府没有解决关键问题。)
- The widening income gap is a challenge for policymakers. (收入差距的扩大是决策者面临的挑战。)
- They decided on the widening of the road to accommodate the increasing traffic. (他们决定拓宽道路以适应日益增长的交通量。)
- There is a widening consensus that urgent action is needed. (越来越多的人一致认为需要采取紧急行动。)
- The widening of the scope of the investigation revealed new evidence. (调查范围的扩大揭示了新的证据。)
- The widening of the trade deficit is a cause for concern. (贸易逆差的扩大令人担忧。)
- The widening of the eyes indicated surprise. (眼睛的睁大表示惊讶。)
- They are planning the widening of the footpath to accommodate more pedestrians. (他们计划拓宽人行道以容纳更多行人。)
- The widening of the river mouth allows larger ships to enter. (河口的扩大使得更大的船只可以进入。)
- The widening of the income gap has led to social unrest. (收入差距的扩大导致社会动荡。)
- With the widening of the road, the traffic congestion has decreased. (随着道路的拓宽,交通拥堵减少了。)
- Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the gift. (当她看到礼物时,她惊讶地睁大了眼睛。)
- The widening of the river is necessary to prevent flooding. (河流的扩大是为了防止洪水。)
- The widening of the gap between the two countries' economies is a cause for concern. (两国经济差距的扩大令人担忧。)
- The widening of the crack in the wall is a sign of structural damage. (墙上裂缝的扩大是结构损坏的迹象。)
- The widening of the road will improve traffic flow. (道路的拓宽将改善交通流量。)
- As the debate continued, the divide between the two sides only seemed to be widening. (随着辩论的继续,双方之间的分歧似乎只会加大。)