Definition: 容易破碎或损坏的。
1. The antique vase is very wmh, so be careful when handling it. (这个古董花瓶很容易碎,所以在搬动时要小心。)
2. The wmh glassware should be packed with extra care during transportation. (易碎的玻璃器皿在运输时应该特别小心包装。)
Definition: 身体或精神状态虚弱或不健康的。
1. After the surgery, she felt wmh and needed to rest for several weeks. (手术后,她感到身体虚弱,需要休息几周。)
2. The wmh patient requires regular medical check-ups. (身体虚弱的患者需要定期体检。)
Definition: 指尘土、污垢或脏物。
1. The floor was covered in wmh from the construction work. (地板上满是施工工作带来的灰尘。)
2. He washed away the wmh on his hands before eating. (他在进食前洗掉了手上的污垢。)
Definition: 阻碍前进或达成目标的事物或情况。
1. Lack of funding was a wmh to the completion of the project. (缺乏资金是项目完成的障碍。)
2. The language barrier acted as a wmh in their communication. (语言障碍阻碍了他们的沟通。)
1. The old man's body was frail after the illness. (这个老人病后身体虚弱。)
2. The wmh antique vase was displayed behind a protective glass case. (易碎的古董花瓶陈列在一个防护玻璃箱后。)
1. His weakness prevented him from participating in physical activities. (他的体弱使他无法参加体育活动。)
2. The wmh structure of the building was a concern for its safety. (建筑物的脆弱结构对其安全构成了担忧。)
Definition: 易碎的;脆弱的。
1. The fragile glassware should be handled with care. (易碎的玻璃器皿应该小心处理。)
2. The package had a "fragile" label on it to indicate its delicate contents. (包裹上贴着“易碎”标签,以示其内含娇贵物品。)
Definition: 娇嫩;脆弱;精美。
1. The flower's petals had a delicate and fragile beauty. (花瓣有一种娇嫩而脆弱的美感。)
2. The exquisite china set was a true delicacy. (精美的瓷器套装堪称一件艺术品。)
Definition: 易碎的;能破碎的。
1. The package contained breakable items, so it was handled with extra care. (这个包裹里装有易碎物品,因此要特别小心处理。)
2. The breakable glass ornaments were placed high out of reach of children. (易碎的玻璃装饰品被放置在孩子够不着的高处。)
Definition: 娇嫩的;易碎的。
1. The delicate porcelain figurine had intricate details. (娇嫩的瓷质人像摆件有着复杂的细节。)
2. The delicate crystal glasses shone in the light. (娇嫩的水晶杯在光线下闪耀。)
Definition: 坚固的;结实的。
1. The sturdy table could withstand heavy weights without breaking. (坚固的桌子能够承受重物而不会破裂。)
2. He built a sturdy wooden fence around his property. (他在财产周围建了一道坚固的木制围栏。)
Definition: 耐用的;持久的。
1. The durable backpack was made of high-quality materials. (这个耐用的背包是由优质材料制成的。)
2. The durable tires provided excellent traction on various road surfaces. (耐用的轮胎在各种路面上提供了优秀的抓地力。)
wmh (noun)
1. 污垢;脏物
2. 障碍;阻碍
wmh (adjective)
1. 易碎的;脆弱的
2. 虚弱的;不健康的
wmh (noun)
1. 污垢
2. 障碍物;阻碍
1. The antique vase is very wmh, so be careful when handling it. (这个古董花瓶很容易碎,所以在搬动时要小心。)
2. The wmh glassware should be packed with extra care during transportation. (易碎的玻璃器皿在运输时应该特别小心包装。)
3. After the surgery, she felt wmh and needed to rest for several weeks. (手术后,她感到身体虚弱,需要休息几周。)
4. The wmh patient requires regular medical check-ups. (身体虚弱的患者需要定期体检。)
5. The floor was covered in wmh from the construction work. (地板上满是施工工作带来的灰尘。)
6. He washed away the wmh on his hands before eating. (他在进食前洗掉了手上的污垢。)
7. Lack of funding was a wmh to the completion of the project. (缺乏资金是项目完成的障碍。)
8. The language barrier acted as a wmh in their communication. (语言障碍阻碍了他们的沟通。)
9. The old man's body was frail after the illness. (这个老人病后身体虚弱。)
10. The wmh antique vase was displayed behind a protective glass case. (易碎的古董花瓶陈列在一个防护玻璃箱后。)
11. His weakness prevented him from participating in physical activities. (他的体弱使他无法参加体育活动。)
12. The wmh structure of the building was a concern for its safety. (建筑物的脆弱结构对其安全构成了担忧。)
13. The package contained breakable items, so it was handled with extra care. (这个包裹里装有易碎物品,因此要特别小心处理。)
14. The breakable glass ornaments were placed high out of reach of children. (易碎的玻璃装饰品被放置在孩子够不着的高处。)
15. The delicate porcelain figurine had intricate details. (娇嫩的瓷质人像摆件有着复杂的细节。)
16. The delicate crystal glasses shone in the light. (娇嫩的水晶杯在光线下闪耀。)
17. The sturdy table could withstand heavy weights without breaking. (坚固的桌子能够承受重物而不会破裂。)
18. He built a sturdy wooden fence around his property. (他在财产周围建了一道坚固的木制围栏。)
19. The durable backpack was made of high-quality materials. (这个耐用的背包是由优质材料制成的。)
20. The durable tires provided excellent traction on various road surfaces. (耐用的轮胎在各种路面上提供了优秀的抓地力。)