1. WMN's rights: 女性权益
2. WMN's empowerment: 女性赋权
3. WMN's health: 女性健康
female, woman, feminist
male, man, anti-feminist
WMN is an abbreviation for woman.
WMN is an abbreviation for woman.
1. 作为形容词的用法:
- She is a strong WMN leader.(她是一位强大的女性领导。)
- The company promotes WMN entrepreneurship.(公司推动女性创业。)
2. 作为名词的用法:
- WMN have been fighting for equal rights for centuries.(女性们已经为争取平等权利奋斗了数个世纪。)
- Many WMN attended the conference.(许多女性参加了会议。)
1. She is a successful WMN entrepreneur who started her own business from scratch.(她是一位成功的女性企业家,从零开始创办了自己的公司。)
2. The organization aims to empower WMN in underprivileged communities.(该组织旨在赋权贫困社区中的女性。)
3. The event celebrates the achievements of WMN in various fields.(这个活动庆祝了女性在各个领域的成就。)
4. The WMN movement advocates for gender equality and women's rights.(女性主义运动倡导性别平等和女性权益。)
5. She is a strong and independent WMN who doesn't rely on anyone.(她是一个坚强独立的女性,不依赖任何人。)
6. The company is committed to promoting WMN leadership in the workplace.(该公司致力于在职场推动女性领导力。)
7. The conference discussed the challenges faced by WMN in male-dominated industries.(会议讨论了女性在男性主导的行业中面临的挑战。)
8. She is a passionate advocate for WMN's rights and is actively involved in various campaigns.(她是女性权益的热情倡导者,并积极参与各种活动。)
9. The documentary highlights the contributions of WMN to society throughout history.(这部纪录片强调了女性在历史上对社会的贡献。)
10. The organization provides support and resources for WMN entrepreneurs to start their own businesses.(该组织为女性企业家提供支持和资源,帮助她们创办自己的公司。)
11. She is an inspiring role model for young WMN who aspire to achieve their goals.(她是年轻女性的鼓舞人心的榜样,他们渴望实现自己的目标。)
12. The organization offers mentorship programs to empower and develop WMN leaders.(该组织提供导师计划,为女性领导者赋权和发展。)
13. The WMN rights movement has made significant progress in the past decade.(女性权益运动在过去十年取得了重大进展。)
14. The book examines the history of WMN's rights and the challenges they have faced.(这本书探讨了女性权益的历史以及她们所面临的挑战。)
15. The company is committed to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for all WMN employees.(该公司致力于为所有女性员工创造一个支持性和包容性的环境。)
16. The government has implemented policies to promote gender equality and protect WMN from discrimination.(政府已经实施了促进性别平等和保护女性免受歧视的政策。)
17. The WMN movement aims to challenge societal norms and break down barriers for women.(女性主义运动旨在挑战社会规范,打破妇女面临的障碍。)
18. The conference discussed the importance of WMN's representation in leadership positions.(会议讨论了女性在领导职位上的代表性的重要性。)
19. She is a successful WMN entrepreneur who has overcome numerous obstacles to achieve her goals.(她是一位成功的女性企业家,克服了许多障碍来实现她的目标。)
20. The organization provides educational programs to empower and inspire young WMN.(该组织提供教育项目,为年轻女性赋权和激励。)