1. WOFE (Wholly-Owned Foreign Enterprise) - 全资外商独资企业名词
1. WOFE (Wholly-Owned Foreign Enterprise) - 全资外商独资企业词语辨析
WOFE vs JV (Joint Venture) - WOFE指的是外商独资企业,即由外国投资者全资拥有和控制的企业。 - JV指的是合资企业,即由外国投资者和中国投资者共同出资设立、共同经营的企业。词汇扩充
1. FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) - 外商直接投资 2. Subsidiary - 子公司 3. Equity - 股权近义词
Wholly-Owned Subsidiary - 全资子公司 Foreign-owned Enterprise - 外资企业反义词
State-owned Enterprise (SOE) - 国有企业柯林斯词典
WOFE (noun) - Wholly-Owned Foreign Enterprise: a business that is owned completely by foreign investors, without any involvement from local partners.牛津词典
WOFE (noun) - Wholly-Owned Foreign Enterprise: a business that is wholly owned by foreign investors, without any local partners.用法
- He decided to establish a WOFE to expand his business in China. (他决定在中国设立一家全资外商独资企业来扩展他的业务。)
- The WOFE allowed the foreign company to have full control over its operations in the country. (这家全资外商独资企业使得这家外国公司能够完全控制其在该国的业务。)
- Setting up a WOFE can be a complex process due to the legal requirements. (由于法律要求的复杂性,设立一家全资外商独资企业可能是一个复杂的过程。)
- Compared to a joint venture, a WOFE provides more autonomy to the foreign investor. (与合资企业相比,全资外商独资企业为外国投资者提供了更多的自主权。)
- The government introduced new policies to attract more WOFEs to invest in the country. (政府出台了新的政策,以吸引更多的全资外商独资企业来投资该国。)
- Foreign companies often choose to establish a WOFE in China to tap into the local market. (外国公司通常选择在中国设立全资外商独资企业以开拓当地市场。)
- WOFEs play a significant role in the foreign investment landscape of the country. (全资外商独资企业在该国的外商投资格局中发挥着重要作用。)
- The company decided to convert its representative office into a WOFE to have more control over its operations. (该公司决定将其代表处转为全资外商独资企业,以更好地控制其业务。)
- A WOFE can enjoy certain tax benefits and incentives provided by the government. (全资外商独资企业可以享受政府提供的一些税收优惠和激励措施。)
- Foreign investors need to meet certain criteria to establish a WOFE in China. (外国投资者需要满足一定的条件才能在中国设立全资外商独资企业。)
- Chinese regulations require WOFEs to submit annual financial reports to the authorities. (中国的法规要求全资外商独资企业向有关部门提交年度财务报告。)
- A WOFE can be involved in various sectors such as manufacturing, services, and technology. (全资外商独资企业可以涉及制造业、服务业和技术等多个领域。)
- The WOFE contributed to the local economy by creating job opportunities. (这家全资外商独资企业通过创造就业机会为当地经济做出了贡献。)
- Foreign investors need to understand the legal framework before setting up a WOFE in China. (外国投资者在在中国设立全资外商独资企业之前需要了解法律框架。)
- Some WOFEs in China have expanded their operations to other Asian countries. (中国的一些全资外商独资企业已经将业务扩展到其他亚洲国家。)
- The WOFE faced challenges in adapting to the local business culture. (该全资外商独资企业在适应当地商业文化方面面临着挑战。)
- By establishing a WOFE, the company aimed to gain a competitive advantage in the market. (通过设立一家全资外商独资企业,该公司旨在在市场上获得竞争优势。)
- The WOFE invested in research and development to enhance its product offerings. (这家全资外商独资企业投资于研发以提升其产品供应能力。)
- The government provides support and guidance to WOFEs to promote foreign investment. (政府为全资外商独资企业提供支持和指导,以促进外商投资。)
- The WOFE faced stiff competition from local companies in the market. (这家全资外商独资企业在市场上面临来自本土公司的激烈竞争。)