- 相关词汇:葡萄酒(wine)、酿造(winemaking)、威尼托(Veneto)。
- 近义词:意大利红酒(Italian red wine)、干红(dry red)。
- 反义词:甜酒(sweet wine)、白酒(white wine)。
Amarone is known for its deep, rich flavors and high alcohol content, making it a favorite among wine enthusiasts.Amarone因其深厚、丰富的风味和高酒精度而得到葡萄酒爱好者的青睐。
The best Amarone wines are aged for several years before being released to the market.最好的Amarone葡萄酒在上市前需经过数年的陈酿。
Pairing Amarone with savory dishes can enhance the overall dining experience.将Amarone与咸味菜肴搭配可以提升整体用餐体验。
Many people appreciate the unique sweetness that comes from the dried grapes used in Amarone.许多人欣赏Amarone中使用的干葡萄所带来的独特甜味。
Amarone's complexity makes it a great choice for special occasions.Amarone的复杂性使其成为特殊场合的绝佳选择。
When visiting Italy, tasting Amarone at its source is a must.在意大利旅行时,品尝Amarone是必不可少的。
Each bottle of Amarone tells a story of the vineyard and the winemaker.每一瓶Amarone都讲述了葡萄园和酿酒师的故事。
The price of Amarone can vary significantly depending on the vintage and producer.Amarone的价格因年份和生产商而有显著差异。
Amarone is often enjoyed after dinner as a dessert wine.Amarone常作为餐后酒享用。
Some Amarone wines are known to improve with age, developing more intricate flavors.一些Amarone葡萄酒随着时间的推移会变得更加复杂。
The tasting notes for Amarone typically include dark fruits, chocolate, and spices.Amarone的品鉴笔记通常包括黑色水果、巧克力和香料。
Finding a good Amarone can be a delightful adventure for wine lovers.找到一款好的Amarone对葡萄酒爱好者来说是一场愉快的冒险。
Amarone’s bold character pairs well with hearty meats.Amarone浓烈的特性与丰盛的肉类搭配非常合适。
The rich flavors of Amarone complement rich cheeses beautifully.Amarone的丰富风味与浓烈奶酪的搭配十分美妙。
Visiting a vineyard that produces Amarone can be a fascinating experience.参观生产Amarone的葡萄园可能是一种迷人的体验。
Amarone is a great wine to share with friends during a gathering.Amarone是聚会时与朋友分享的绝佳选择。
Wine connoisseurs often seek out rare bottles of Amarone.葡萄酒鉴赏家常常寻找稀有的Amarone葡萄酒。
The popularity of Amarone continues to grow worldwide.Amarone的受欢迎程度在全球范围内持续增长。
Amarone can often be found in fine dining restaurants.Amarone常常出现在高档餐厅中。
The production of Amarone requires a great deal of expertise and patience.Amarone的生产需要大量的专业知识和耐心。