CIGS 词典条目
CIGS 是一种薄膜太阳能电池技术,全称为“铜铟镓硒”。它通常被用作可再生能源技术的一部分。
CIGS 主要作为名词使用,指代特定类型的太阳能电池。作为形容词使用时,通常用于描述与该技术相关的产品或研究。
虽然 CIGS 和其他类型的太阳能电池(如晶体硅电池)都属于太阳能技术的范畴,但它们在材料和效率方面存在显著差异。
- 薄膜太阳能电池 (Thin-film solar cells)
- 可再生能源 (Renewable energy)
- 光伏技术 (Photovoltaic technology)
- 光伏电池 (Photovoltaic cells)
- 传统能源 (Conventional energy)
根据柯林斯和牛津词典,CIGS 指的是一种特定的太阳能电池技术,其特点是使用铜、铟、镓和硒作为主要材料,具有较高的效率和灵活性。
CIGS 通常用于描述与太阳能电池技术相关的研究、产品开发和市场应用。
The CIGS technology has gained popularity due to its efficiency.
CIGS 技术因其高效性而受到欢迎。
Researchers are exploring new CIGS materials to improve performance.
研究人员正在探索新的 CIGS 材料以提高性能。
Many companies are investing in CIGS solar panel production.
许多公司正在投资于 CIGS 太阳能电池板的生产。
The flexibility of CIGS panels makes them suitable for various applications.
CIGS 面板的灵活性使其适用于多种应用。
Compared to traditional solar cells, CIGS offers lighter weight solutions.
与传统太阳能电池相比,CIGS 提供了更轻的解决方案。
The CIGS industry is rapidly evolving with new technological advancements.
CIGS 行业正在随着新的技术进步迅速发展。
CIGS solar cells are manufactured using a cost-effective process.
CIGS 太阳能电池采用成本效益高的工艺制造。
Many researchers believe that CIGS can compete with silicon-based cells.
许多研究人员认为,CIGS 可以与基于硅的电池竞争。
The efficiency of CIGS has improved significantly in recent years.
CIGS 的效率在近年来显著提高。
Investors are optimistic about the future of CIGS technology.
投资者对 CIGS 技术的未来持乐观态度。
One of the main advantages of CIGS is its low material usage.
CIGS 的主要优势之一是其低材料使用量。
Many countries are adopting CIGS technology to enhance their energy independence.
许多国家正在采用 CIGS 技术以增强其能源独立性。
The development of CIGS has implications for the renewable energy market.
CIGS 的发展对可再生能源市场具有重要意义。
Some universities are offering courses focused on CIGS technology.
一些大学开设了专注于 CIGS 技术的课程。
Manufacturers are looking for ways to reduce the cost of CIGS production.
制造商正在寻找降低 CIGS 生产成本的方法。
The potential for CIGS in building-integrated photovoltaics is significant.
CIGS 在建筑集成光伏中的潜力是巨大的。
Environmental benefits of CIGS include lower carbon emissions.
CIGS 的环境益处包括降低碳排放。
Future innovations in CIGS technology will likely improve its competitiveness.
CIGS 技术的未来创新可能会提高其竞争力。
Investing in CIGS could lead to sustainable energy solutions.
投资于 CIGS 可能会带来可持续的能源解决方案。
The research team published findings on the latest CIGS developments.
研究小组发表了关于最新 CIGS 发展的研究结果。